Weird problem in ProTools - help me out here


May 3, 2006
So I'm working on a Mac, and recently upgraded to Leopard. Every time I try to boot up PT, I get a message saying "Pro Tools hardware is either not installed or used by another program." This is only when I've got the 002 hooked up -- I just discovered that when I plug in my old MBox, everything seems to work fine.

Anyone else have this problem? Are there drivers for the 002 that need to be installed that I'm unaware of? Seriously, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
among the very first few things in your Pro Tools Getting Started Manual is the directive to turn off Automatic Updates in your Mac OS system preferences and to check for compatibility before updating your Mac OS. Had you followed that instruction you would have known that Pro Tools is not yet compliant with Leopard and you should not have made that upgrade. you will have to roll back to the previous version to be able to resume using PT. they do have Leopard working reliably with ONLY the newest 8-core Intel desktop MacPro.... anything else will be unreliable, thus your mbox may work (though i suspect some software issue will rear it's ugly head) while your 002 may not.

may be tough to swallow, but this one's on you. read yer manuals kiddies. this same cautionary tale has played out on these pages dozens of times since i've been posting here... and it's equally as true with Windows as it is with Mac.. do not upgrade your OS if you are using PT until you check the compatibility status on Digi's site.
I know this is totally tasteless, but...

tasteless... can't tell. pointless... definitely, as Digidesign also warns not to update Windows without checking the compatibility of the update on their site. same shit can and will happen, whether the PT user has Mac or a PC.
That exactly the reason why we have several versions of Mac OS installed on the workstations of our university. And they're clearly labeled but yet people tend to fuck that up all the time (and they don't get that that big wooden box in the studio is an ANALOG board - but that's another story).
Wow...reprimanded by James Murphy. I feel honored, i think.

No, I knew the whole Leopard thing would be a problem, and the update was not my idea (it's a really long story). So I'm not surprised that it doesn't work, but I was sort of surprised that the MBox DID work. If that makes sense.

Beyond Dead -- that sounds like a good idea. We shall talk...