protools to sx3

Feb 9, 2006
Hey guys,

I Have just scored my first "proper" (as in band in the public eye) mix BUT have hit a small problem....

We're tracking it in PT in a larger studio & i'm mixing it on my sx3 set up,
here's the conundrum..... how to import?

I could either:

"flat end" everything so it just all starts at zero and pop it all in a new arrangement

use the mysterious OMF import

go buy protools M-powered (my interface is m-audio promix i/o) and hope that can help me some how!!!!

....any other ideas?

well as you already know your ways in cubase i don't know if it would be soooo cool to purchase PT m-powered and switch to that... if you dare to use omf i'd be interested in your findings, as i'd like to know myself if/how this works. otherwise i second the "flat end" solution. thats the way i do it when i start things in my cubase/pc home-setup and then take it to the big studio with the protools/logic-setup on a mac.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
"flat end" everything so it just all starts at zero and pop it all in a new arrangement

Safest way I believe...

I second that!

Good comping (no pops, clicks, good crossfades, breaths not cut off), clearly labeled files, and flat-ending everything will make everyone's life soooo much easier at mix time. But of course, most of us have to learn most of this the hard way... ;)

One of the least glamorous, but most important aspects of tracking is proper archiving.

Oh, and Cubase SX3 is fine.

Flat ending was the only way (consolidating) as omf sucks the big one... couldn't get it to work.... one thing to keep in mind if you ever do this is external firewire drives must be fat 32 and not ntfs as mac dont apear to like that....

also exporting the click track to audio was the best thing we could of done for flying etc as not only was it more acurate than cubases clock it was it possible to creat a tempo track from it and it was the same click that the drums were tracked too.

one of the tracks we did will appear on the cover CD of a major magazine soon and the other is a b-side for a single you can pick holes in my work then ;)

Cheers for you help guys, yo