PT Tour dates...

Metalloid said:
If you are referring to the House of Blues LA, no, it isn't. Unless they change it for various artists. I just went to a show there in January and it was not 21+

Yeah, some places it depends on who is playing. Some shows could be all ages, some could be 18+ or 21+, etc.

Q: Is anyone attending the King Diamond show in Philly on the 18th?
I just saw them on Saturday in London. Fucking in my top 5 gigs ever! The new shit from Deadwing sounds awesome, title track especially, which they open with. Just gotta buy the album now....
I have alreay been, and i strongly advise you go if youre thinking about it, its very good. Oh, and theyre not playing Smart Kid at every gig, they missed it out when i went
I think i can help you out there:

Sound Of Muzak
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Burning Sky
Mellotron Scratch <----I think this was swapped in for A Smart Kid at my show
Blackest Eyes
Start Of Something Beautiful
Even Less

Also, rhythm guitarist sang all the lead vocals during Fadeaway. Very good
I'll probably be going to the Chicago show, since it looks like they're skipping Detroit and I was going to be in Chicago on May 28 anyways for the USA-England soccer match.

What kind of venue is Park West? Decent area, accessible by public transport? I've seen PT twice in Chicago before at the Vic and the Double Door.
R0l0 said:
Originally Posted by some guy on Porcupine Tree forum
I think PT's In Absentia is the band's best material yet but I've never fallen in love with the black metal tracks

I actually really want to hear more of this story. I assume the guy got his ass flamed off?
PeeWee1473 said:
I actually really want to hear more of this story. I assume the guy got his ass flamed off?
Hehe nah, people seemed to just explain to the poor guy that PT never did any BM stuff. I was just lurking there and nearly fell off my chair upon reading it though.
here's a link to the thread:

As for the tour- they're alternating playing Mellotron Scratch and A Smart Kid?? that's no good, mellotron is my favorite track on Deadwing.
<crimson> said:
I wonder who will be supporting them on the US tour
Robert Fripp will be a special guest opener for the California shows and Blackfield will probably open on some dates. But there hasn't been an official word on a opening band for the whole tour.
I plan on going to the Troc show. Is there a way I can get tickets other than ticket master, they are a rip off, I want cheap tickets!