Pumkin chuckin


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Has anyone ever seen this shit. People actually get together and make cannons that shoot pumkins almost 1 mile. These people even grow hybrid pumkins so that they can survive the launch. I can't wait until I move back to texas and build my pumkin cannon.
un fuckin real
Yeah, I saw somethin about that once.

Speakin of launchin shit throught the air.......One time I was watchin a show where these dudes were makin a catapult and testin it w/melons and shit, then when they wanted to test it w/a person, the dude nominated his wife, she hit the net bounced 20 feet up from the net(the net was another 10 feet from the ground)and was rushed to the hospital.........anyways, it was fuckin funny
Yo, I saw that show. It's called a "trebuchex" <-- hope i spelled it right. It's a sling and counter leaver system developed in the 1600's by france. That was hilarious
Same as a potato gun, which are fun.

Did you know that a 1 1/2" piece of pvc pipe 4 feet long with ether as a propelant will launch a golf ball as fast a 22 caliber pistol? It will go through the side of a house. I hope I dont ever get caught for that one.
I built a potato gun back when I was a invincible teenager. My brother and I ran to Home Depot, bought a bunch of PVC piping. Well we built a nifty little gun, we even had a grill lighter glued into it as a trigger of sorts. We used hairspray and some random aersol and propelent at first, which worked..but the potatoes didnt go far, and the shit would explode. THEN, we cut a hole on the back of the gun, and glued in our dads propane torch...NOW we had a gun. Using propane..we had no recoil, no sound, but the potato would fly over 300 yards. We killed a fucking cow when we hit it in the head from about 100 yards away with this bad boy. Accident of course, we didnt adjust for the lob.
Well, I am agog! I've obviously led a sheltered life, but vow to make amends this weekend, I'm going to build a fucking super-gun and declare war on Bradford.

This is the kind of knowledge we should be sharing, my brethren, lest some of us live in ignorance of how to erm, kill cattle or piss our neighbours off.

In fact, the "Trebuchet" Billy speaks of (what's one letter between friends eh?) was a popular item of siege equipment during the Middle Ages before the Chinks brought us dog-foo-yung and gun powder. However, they were so popular, no-one actually put down on paper EXACTLY how they worked. When they went out of fashion and the weapon of choice became the cannon, the poor old Trebuchet was just forgotten, literally. Of course, after a few years all the Evil Dead's of the Siege Equipment industry croaked of old age, and their secret died with them. Our knowledge of these devices, invaluable for catapulting vast buckets of festering shite, or plague ridden corpses into besieged cities, is just supposition.

Evidently, there are several schools of thought as to how they could be made by the Medieval artisan with the tools available to him, very similar in appearance, but differing in principle. It is quite a job to get a missile like a dead cow moving with enough speed and power to get over a city wall. These people all think THEY have the correct formula and think the others are twats, hence these competitions to see whose is the best.

Right, got to go and buy some propane..........
TheAssMaster said:
Well, I am agog! I've obviously led a sheltered life, but vow to make amends this weekend, I'm going to build a fucking super-gun and declare war on Bradford.

This is the kind of knowledge we should be sharing, my brethren, lest some of us live in ignorance of how to erm, kill cattle or piss our neighbours off.

In fact, the "Trebuchet" Billy speaks of (what's one letter between friends eh?) was a popular item of siege equipment during the Middle Ages before the Chinks brought us dog-foo-yung and gun powder. However, they were so popular, no-one actually put down on paper EXACTLY how they worked. When they went out of fashion and the weapon of choice became the cannon, the poor old Trebuchet was just forgotten, literally. Of course, after a few years all the Evil Dead's of the Siege Equipment industry croaked of old age, and their secret died with them. Our knowledge of these devices, invaluable for catapulting vast buckets of festering shite, or plague ridden corpses into besieged cities, is just supposition.

Evidently, there are several schools of thought as to how they could be made by the Medieval artisan with the tools available to him, very similar in appearance, but differing in principle. It is quite a job to get a missile like a dead cow moving with enough speed and power to get over a city wall. These people all think THEY have the correct formula and think the others are twats, hence these competitions to see whose is the best.

Right, got to go and buy some propane..........

Careful mate, I bet they draw and quarter yall for that in England. But gay marriage is ok! Well, as long as the chicks are hot...
TheAssMaster said:
Well, I am agog! I've obviously led a sheltered life, but vow to make amends this weekend, I'm going to build a fucking super-gun and declare war on Bradford.

This is the kind of knowledge we should be sharing, my brethren, lest some of us live in ignorance of how to erm, kill cattle or piss our neighbours off.

In fact, the "Trebuchet" Billy speaks of (what's one letter between friends eh?) was a popular item of siege equipment during the Middle Ages before the Chinks brought us dog-foo-yung and gun powder. However, they were so popular, no-one actually put down on paper EXACTLY how they worked. When they went out of fashion and the weapon of choice became the cannon, the poor old Trebuchet was just forgotten, literally. Of course, after a few years all the Evil Dead's of the Siege Equipment industry croaked of old age, and their secret died with them. Our knowledge of these devices, invaluable for catapulting vast buckets of festering shite, or plague ridden corpses into besieged cities, is just supposition.

Evidently, there are several schools of thought as to how they could be made by the Medieval artisan with the tools available to him, very similar in appearance, but differing in principle. It is quite a job to get a missile like a dead cow moving with enough speed and power to get over a city wall. These people all think THEY have the correct formula and think the others are twats, hence these competitions to see whose is the best.

Right, got to go and buy some propane..........

So European!
How dare you??!! That, sir, is a grave insult, and I demand you retract that statement immediately! European???!!! EURO-FUCKING-PEAN????!!!!!!!
I'll have you know that I am British, and from a long line of good Celtic stock. I live in Great Britain, seat of the Empire, upon which the sun never set, the sceptred isle, Britannia rules the waves!
One thing we are not, is fucking European!!! It might look like it on the map, and when Mr B-liar is brown-nosing the spicks/wops/krauts/frogs etc etc by giving away MY money, but we are never European! And never will be. NEVER!!!! Not while I have a breath in my proud body, NEVER!!!!!!

(Just gloss over the fact we are bursting at the seams with fucking foreigners who are breeding like rats and turning my beloved nation into a shit-pit. And the fact the rag-heads who flew the planes into your buildings came from here first, because we have NO border controls any more - thanks to fucking EUROPEAN legislation)

I need a lie down........
I don't think he ment that as an insult. Even though americans speek the same language, we are not as proper with our choice of words as you are. For example If watch the Monty Python show, I have no Idea what the hell is going on. They speek english but I cant understand what the hell they are saying. Basicly, what we know about the rest of the world is from what we see on TV. So You should not be so offended.
Salvatore said:
I don't think he ment that as an insult. Even though americans speek the same language, we are not as proper with our choice of words as you are. For example If watch the Monty Python show, I have no Idea what the hell is going on. They speek english but I cant understand what the hell they are saying. Basicly, what we know about the rest of the world is from what we see on TV. So You should not be so offended.

He's correct...it was not meant as an insult...don't be offended. I think your posts are great AssMaster!...very amusing!
Assmaster dude I'm with you on the war on Bradford can we do Burnleystan as well as i live between the two ? I got my spud-gun English style (u remember the little red hand guns??):loco:
Wha-hey, we got the beginnings of an army here!! Where's my GAT gun?

And as for taking offence, for fuck's sake, I hope you are kidding!! This is the Billy Milano Board, not exactly the on-line home for the easily-offended and those of a fragile nature!!!

Buzzard said:
Has anyone ever seen this shit. People actually get together and make cannons that shoot pumkins almost 1 mile. These people even grow hybrid pumkins so that they can survive the launch. I can't wait until I move back to texas and build my pumkin cannon.
un fuckin real

what's the point of that??

somebody needs to get out more often.

there is a such thing as the opposite sex, ya know.