Punchy Enough? (Non-Metal Mix)


@ KMR Studios
Here's a non-metal clip I tracked here at the studio.

I try to use less and less compression so I can retain alot of punch from my recordings.

Most of the dynamics comes from the musicians.

I believe this clip as alot of punch and dynamic when cranked hard, especially when the kick, snare and piano hits at the same time.

I really like the tone I got out of the snare, kick and bass.

Any feedbacks I should be aware of?


I did use some light clipping on the whole mix, I simply hope it isn't too noticable as I want the performance to sound as natural as possible.

I used TRacks opto comp for the drums and tried to make them sound more upfront so that the mix could revolve around them.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2769770/The Juggler (Sample).wav
The mix sounds great! Like you said, it's punchy and very clear, but perhaps a bit thin. It fill out nicely when all the stuff comes in though. What I'd probably do is add a touch of parallel compression to everything.

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the bass has too much mud and mids in it and the guitar on the left could benefit from a wider boost near 3khz

What do you mean exactly?

Is the bass hiding any low frequencies or mid frequencies that another track could benefit of?

Or is it that taking those mids and mud could flatten the mix a bit?

The reason for the guitar track being less upfront is that the playing was kind of sloppy and uncontrolled. I couldn't get the guitarist to retrack it since.

Eventually I'd like the guitar track to snap alot with the rest of the mix since it's mostly playing chords.

Anything else i'd need to know?