Pure Fucking Armageddon


Warrior of Black Metal
Sep 20, 2003
New Hampshire
I'm debating whether I should buy this.

On one hand the demo is decent at best
On the other hand it would be a nice addition to my collection, and I would really like to have a copy of PFA. It's decent to listen to, but also would be great to have a real copy instead of a shitty CD-R I burned. I don't have a lot of demos, and have been looking for band's demos to add to my metal collection, I can get PFA for $5.

Also is PFA on CD? Or was it just tape? This is a CD version, so I want to make sure it's authentic, and some idiot isn't trying to cheat a guy off buying it thinking it's a real version Mayhem released in '86.
Diehard put the demo to CD in 1996. The band acknowledges it, so it might as well be 'official.' That's the one I have anyway.
Then perhaps it's the 1996 version claimed to be an original.

I guess i'll forget that then. Then again it's only $5 so I might think on it. If it's a bootleg no greater than my CD-R then I'll just say no entirely because I can just download the cover art etc like I do with most demos I have on CD-R or something similar.
The sound quality won't be much better, since it's just plain shit anyway, but I just checked and it's actually listed on Mayhem's site, so I'll just assume it's official.
Well, i find the Pure Fucking Armageddo cd at With Full Force festival in 2002. I think it's a kind of bootleg. At Wacken Open Air this year i've found a lot of stuff like this about Immortal and their first demos and some live appearence. A friend of mine bought them, if you are interested in i can take more info about them
Yeah I know labels bootleg classic demos. I was thinking of doing something similar. Reprinting a bunch of old demos and kvlt classics, but when thinking about it I felt instead of ignorantly bootlegging talk with the bands (if possible) about reprinting their old demos.

Some items included:

Mayhem - Pure Fucking Armageddon
Graveland - In the glare of the burning churches...
Mutiilation - Destroy your life for satan
Covenant - From the Storm of Shadows
Mayhem - 1987 Promo
Darkthrone - Land of Frost

and a bunch more. I was sitting around noticing the demos I have (Well most of them aren't authentic, a lot is burned CD-R's from trades, or downloaded off soulseek) and though "Why not redistribute these demos for like $2-3 each for black metallers old and new who want to get hold of older music. I know not everyone wants to buy a bootlegged version, but I thought it would've been a cool idea, and I could make some money off it perhaps (I would make it clear they aren't originals so kids don't get their hopes up that they are like i did with PFA :p) for those who want it for the sake of hearing these established bands in their early days starting their musical careers. Also if albums were hard to find classics (which have mostly been rereleased) I'd thought about making some cash from that idea as well. Charging $2-5 each...5 being max.
ShadowofDeath, that's a very nice idea, but most of the ones you mentioned have already been bootlegged half a million times so I don't really see the need
a good idea is to make a kind of "remasters" of this old demos. i mean... there are a lot of re-pressing of this old stuff, but no one make a real good artwork (always b/w cover and nothing in the bookleth) a "cleaning" of the sounds (there are a lot of good pc programs to make this) to make the sound stronger, and for examle some good bonus tracks (live perfomances, very rare tracks and so on)
Necrodaemon, I like your input. Mention a program I could use to clean it up perhaps?

I could definately make a few remasters of old demos, I'll probably reprint the artwork and possibly add additional info. Website URL of the band, line-up(If I can find it), Full tracklisting, etc. The only difference is the remaster would bare my label name, or logo instead.

Though I would make sure to sell them really cheap. Under $5 each. I mean if it comes out good I can see people interested in getting hold of them.

Also i'm not just thinking of black metal either. I was planning to remaster Metallica's famous No life 'til leather, but then I realize Lars would be jamming his cock too far up his ass about it. I'm also looking through my stuff and finding Vio-lence demos, and some other old releases that are out of print. It's not a fact that the bootlegs have been reprinted a billion times by bootleggers, but rather that I could easily distribute a bunch of these releases off eBay, and other sources similar from my home, and I could easily distribute more than 1000 of any demo I wished through ebay, my site, etc.

I won't do full albums endorsed by labels, no matter what. I can't just remaster NeChrist, Thousand Swords, Majestes Leprosus, A blaze in the northern sky or even rerelease the albums without permission. My idea is mostly rarities, demos, or promos that were never released publically like the mayhem one I own. I could remaster bootlegs too but bootlegging a bootleg wouldn't make sense to me. Though the thing i'm concerned is what bands might want royalties over it? I don't wish to cause legal hassles with the bands, and I'd be willing to discuss offering more than 50% royalties to bands for their music. The focus for this idea is to make available rare, or limited releases by bands. Mostly demos, promos and rarities though If i went through with the idea.

Bonus material would be another thing to add on to it. I could add live tracks or some other additional track to say Land of Frost I add Cromlech, or Snowfall from a new dimension demo or If anyone has live darkthrone use that.
Well, i like your idea, really. The possibilities here are limitless!

With a pc with Logic Program (or something like that) you can clean the sound, putting more "medium", cutting "high" and so on. Then you can use a program like "Clean" to pump up anything... you take an "example track" to "clone" the sound and then the program try to make the source track near the "example one", than you can intervent on any process manually. You can obtain great results with a bit of patience :)

About roialtyes: you have to pay them only if the material is protected by copyright laws. I don't think demos are under copyright...

About the various info to put in: you can find anything on the net man, and if you don't find them ask to me, i will help you, no problem! And, if you need some pictures, i have I've got an archive of thousands of pix taken with photopass around europe in the last 5 years. So, if you like to use good live picture of any band, ask, if you are lucky i've something about this band! :) For example I'm one of the few lucky ones who have made a picture of Nocturno Culto playing live at WAO (very good pictures! You had to take the pictures from the pit, because Nocturno Culto come up on stage after 1 hour and the photopass give you teh oppotunity to take pictures ONLT oor the first 3-4 songs!!! It was a war, but i stand up in the 5th line to take the best picture possibile in this condiction...), i've 6 or 7 sets of immortal playing live (With Iscariah and with the other bass player arrived after Iscariah... i don't remember his name sorry) and so on. I also made some artworks, so... :)
I don't thonk that a band, when record a demo or a promo (expecially speaking about demo "so old"...) register it for the copyright.. there are a lot of singed band that aren't coverd, so....
if you need something i'm here :)
Necrodaemon said:
I don't thonk that a band, when record a demo or a promo (expecially speaking about demo "so old"...) register it for the copyright.. there are a lot of singed band that aren't coverd, so....
if you need something i'm here :)
You don't really understand the concept of copyright, do you? YOU AUTOMATICALLY HAVE THE COPYRIGHTS TO ANY WORKS YOU CREATE. You do not have to "register" for copyrights. If I do something, I have the copyright for it automatically. If I wish, I can sign over the copyright to someone else, which is what a lot of artists do to record labels. However, since demos are generally independent, the copyright belongs to the artist.

Another thing: "cleaning up" demos will often make them sound like shit unless you REALLY know what you are doing. For example, don't fuck with the EQ of a demo. You're very likely not making it sound any "better," you're just fucking it up even further. The one thing I usually do to cassettes that I rip to my computer is use Waves X-Noise to remove as much noise as is possible without destroying the sound.

Also, making "remasters" of demos and SELLING them is the type of thing we REALLY do not need in the metal scene. I STRONGLY, STRONGLY, STRONGLY urge you to FORGET all about this idea. Profiting off someone else work is not taken lightly in the underground metal scene, one which is generally uninterested in profit of any kind. I know if someone did that with any of my work, they'd have to take the consequences...

So yes, clean up demos for your own use if you want to, and by all means, do not support bootleggers by buying their stuff (download the demos instead,) but I'm going to put this nicely at first: it is NOT a good idea to sell other people's work without permission, especially not in metal.
Or he just has a different opinion and that doesn't make him stupid. Anyone thinking he's stupid for having a different opinion just winds up looking like an ass, is all.