Pure Sweet Hell: Mp3

You where kind enough to pull my chain with the stupid remarks you posted all over this thread. I don't like quoting. - but I do not see what being here has to do with gaining friends?! Do you feel better if you make imaginary friends online? Beause frankly, I know you don't give a shit about my comments, and no comments or remarks thrown towards me is gonna make me cry or think less of myself!

I was being sarcastic about the last comment to neal, but you obviously eighter chose to use it in the advantage of your childish flaming spirit, or maybe you're just too much of a retard yourself to figure out when a person is being sarcastic or not?!

Anyway, I was hoping not to excite your hairy ass before the big pay day, so please be a man and go fuck your little wife and quit bragging about yourself and your lame "living the good life" bullshit. If you're so high on life, why don't you go out and live it instead of playing a hero in here?

this guy has no clue.

I said i live in the MOUNTAINS dick brain.

You need to get the ability to see sarcasim yourself.

No hero here dude. Just a dude who lives in the woods.

FRiends? Imaginary? We trade cd, books, movies, etc. We are real friends here. SOme of us.

WHat are you doing here?

You are childesh if i am, since your falming and no one even asked you to.

fuckin shit eater
geez, led, you better not start the Ledman fanclub this week, anyway :) geez these guys are coming out of the woodwork!

they are all my fans in one or the other. OItherwise, they would not talk to me.

They will be ok, and i will still be here, and i will still be the same LEDMAG.
that was me on that unregistered post, all of a sudden I was unregistered, and did not see my name visable at the top of the thread. does this ever happen to anyone else?
or maybe I should blame Led because starving children and all the world's ills are his fault :cool:

btw, since you are the man and we are all your ass monkey slaves, when would you like your massage and handjob, oh liege?:lol:
Ledmag, I was refering to your comments on previous pages on how great your life and bullshit job is and how wonderfull it is for you to have a "family" bla bla bla. I am glad for you that you live in the mountains in a forrest, good for you...I live rather piecefully by myself except there's a church right in front of my window...isn't all this wonderfully interesting to know?

I am here because I listen to Nevermore, and this IS a Nevermore forum....
Originally posted by Dynastes
Ledmag, I was refering to your comments on previous pages on how great your life and bullshit job is and how wonderfull it is for you to have a "family" bla bla bla. I am glad for you that you live in the mountains in a forrest, good for you...I live rather piecefully by myself except there's a church right in front of my window...isn't all this wonderfully interesting to know?

I am here because I listen to Nevermore, and this IS a Nevermore forum....

Well, i remember saying that shit. Yes i do. I said it in defence. SOme jerk was bragging and and telling me how much better his life was. I was just turning the tables on him.

DUde, im glad your into nevermore. Im glad your here,. Ease up. drop that loner stuff, and be friends with us. ITs not that hard really.

I dont think im better than anyone. If i came across that way, tehn sorry i am. I am here cause i like nevermore as well as you . ANd i am also here to have a good time and chat with my pals. YOu and can get along well, if you want. ANd if you dont want, then we can get on like hell. I would prefer the get along opyion, but ill do either, its your choice my friend.
Originally posted by lizard
I personally worship ledmag and yearn to satisfy his every whim by dutiful tongue baths of his private areas.:yuk:

Thaks hahahha

who is that in your avatar? I fyou dont mind me asking that is.
I agree. BUt hey, If DYN doesnt want to share, thats fine by me. No offence DYN, but if you dont want to share, then why are you so worried about what we are doing? No offence once again

See, i am trying to be respectful and nice here.
I am not worried about what you guys are doing. I didn't mean to unveal on my current personal situation, but I guess by sharing you mean mentioning this sort of stuff? Anyway, I got offended by your posts Ledmag (not towoards me, but what i initially commented on...

Ledmag: It seems like most times you turn things over after awhile and pretend like you'll be more than happy to be everybody's friend, even the ones you put through shit like "i whish your mother and dad died"...

(I am becomming more and more aware that being the person I am makes for a hard time in terms of adjusting and being sivilised. Living a year in a continuatoinschool/bording school, and after that having a troubleling experience living with a tempered qeer and alcoholic Mayer in a 3000 people Redneck town in Alabama and then returning home and trying to keep up with a two year college, dealing with a cronic headache/migrane that I have had for several years, and lastly, ofcause, being a musical "nerd" that likes everything but pop, techno, rap (rather evil darkminded music) doesn't make things easier on the friends part. and all this ads up to 8 months of being depressed and sleeping 20 hours a day.)

This is where Nevermore (and other bands) helps out a bit...atleast to enhance the lowlife thoughts that you have when someone you loved and spend all your time with for 6 months has left you bla. bla. bla.....

Online friends in general is not something I look grately uppon. I mean, if you don't have one single friend IRL, you see your brother maybe twice a year, and don't play in any band because there's noone good around that needs a bassist (and because of lack of a social happy spirit that everybody fucking loves these days) - then I hope you understand why I say I don't give a shit about becoming anyones friend.

Ledmag: I just disliked your attitude towards that 17yearold, but I should have known better than to take anybodys side, or even post any comment here at all...
what 17 yr old? PG? HE and had been fucking around, and yeah, i said some bad stuff that i should not have said. I will admit to things i do.

When i finally break down and tell everyone i want to be friends, its cause by that point, they hav ethe totaly wrong idea. I most always start out being pushy what not. I mean not for anyone to take me serious.

I like you, live in a small town, and im in a band, a 70's rock style band. Cause no one here likes metal. I know how you feel.

Try being our friend dude.

Tell ya what, are you interesting in tradeing some cd's or what not? Thats what a lot of us do around here. ITs nice, and its cool to get new stuff in trades.

ANyway, dont take me so serious man. UNless i m telling you too.

ANyway, hang around for a while dude. and Sorry your so alone, maybe if you do hang around, then you may feel better.

COmeon man, hang with us.
Originally posted by Dynastes
all your long post
Hmmm... Don't exclude nothing dude. You might get enhancing from where you least expect it. I am not in for online friends as well and what ppl here think of me they can go ahead and think whatever they like. But if someone arround here has something nice to say to you, not to change you, cause it can't, but to make you feel good might give you a push to better things along your road.

You have problems, i c, true.

But always moving away from any contact with sociality it will not help. And this not participating here shows that. I am not implying that you will find true friendship, but answers to your problems here. You might even sink deeper realising how shitty ppl are (not in specific here, but in general), but if there is a chance to get a hold on something and enjoy sometime here go for it.

And the internet is full of forums. ;)
You can join the NEVERMOURE forum for instance. :lol:

Of course this is not words of some close friend that you know, but of me, my personal opinion on your situ that you shared in public.
I know a life like this isn't optimal, atleast not if being alone doesn't make you happy (and it doesn't). Anyway I'm planning on moving to Copenhagen in a month or so, and try to see of there's more possibilities of finding the right bandmates, teacher, venues/places to play and generally more likeminded people...Atleast I've got nothing to loose or miss here, so even if I don't find any "friends" there, it's not gonna make me feel more alone...

What do you know, I might post something happy 6 months from now if things have brightening up...

But I thank you guys for your comments, I appreciate it..!