Pure Sweet Hell: Mp3

Its a very old blues song. SOmething wicked is coming, and the mule can sence it, and its kicking teh fuck out of the bard tryin to get out so it can hall ass....that funny, i was talkin about a mule, and i said ASS.

Actually a mule is a mule, and a donkey is an ass. BUt most ppl dont know that.
yeah , i knew you wouldnt mind. I liked what you wrote hahahah.

BUt yeah, i suppose i was being a bit funny intentionally, but its true you know. A mule is the same basic size as a horse. And a jack ass is small.

You get a Mule by breeding 2 mules. You get a jack ass by breeding a mule to a horse. A jack ass(donkey) cant reproduce. Neither can horses born as twins.