Wow, that was a lot of stuff to read after you last addressed me. I forgot what I wanted to write! Oh yeah, My name is Christopher Eichhorn. Christ is part of my name. I've always signed e-mails that way because I think Chris sounds lame! With the band I wanted a name that people would remember seeing as Van already is quite well known. I was very enthusiastic about taking part in this discussion about my band. I believe I was very clear about liking positive and negative feedback. If a post is written in a condescending or challenging manner then, of cource, I wanted to defend myself or my belief. When we decided to go public with our music we were ready for a lot of criticism and luckily things have been quite positive so far. I think that every musician who is proud of his music has a healthy ego. I'm no different. I thank everyone for their comments. That whole fight thing was crazy though. It's the one thing that I dislike about the internet!!!