Pure Sweet Hell: Mp3

no way man..it was fun for me. i liked it. I still study.

But hey, we cant stay in school forever.

A friend of mine is 33, he is still in colledge. He took a few yrs off, but he has been back for 2 yrs. He lives on campus as well. That i dont get...hahaha
WHen i was in school, it wasnt that bad. At least my siblings had harder times at school. Not th estudies, but the hassels. Noone shot ppl at school when i went. Noone broaght guns to school when i went. They even changed the way they teach in KY. Its real different. After thinking, i probably wouldnt like now either. To many rules i suppose that has to be inforced.
yeh i graduated 2 years ago, but a friend of mine has a younger sister that still goes and damn. they turned that place into a fucking prison. theres like a fence around the whole thing. they made it like impossible to cut or get off campus without checking in with teh fuckin warden standing at the gate. im glad we could just fuckin drive off when i still went heh. cutting was the best part of school.
I got PADDLEINGS in school hahahaha.

How long ago was that? hahahaha
I can rememebr when we had prayer in school and the ten comandments as well.

My 10th yr anniversary for graduation was last year.
Wow, that was a lot of stuff to read after you last addressed me. I forgot what I wanted to write! Oh yeah, My name is Christopher Eichhorn. Christ is part of my name. I've always signed e-mails that way because I think Chris sounds lame! With the band I wanted a name that people would remember seeing as Van already is quite well known. I was very enthusiastic about taking part in this discussion about my band. I believe I was very clear about liking positive and negative feedback. If a post is written in a condescending or challenging manner then, of cource, I wanted to defend myself or my belief. When we decided to go public with our music we were ready for a lot of criticism and luckily things have been quite positive so far. I think that every musician who is proud of his music has a healthy ego. I'm no different. I thank everyone for their comments. That whole fight thing was crazy though. It's the one thing that I dislike about the internet!!!

yeah, it happens here a lot,

PGM and i do that once a month or something.

Sure, you want ppl to dig your stuff. I just took TL's post for what it was PRODUCTIVE critizizm.

My bros name is CHRISTOPHER. Thats one of the reasons i asked your name.

Well, i dig your song no matter what i have said to ya that was condencending. Thats what really matters anyway.
my brother and i get along pretty well. theres a 6 year age difference so its not like we were the same age growing up though. him and his wife live like 2 miles away heh.
He is older than you right?

Im older than all 3 of my siblings (2 bros, one sis)

CHRIS was boarn JULY 14 1979.......i was boarn FEB6 1973.........6 yrs between he and i ,,,,and a few months....i usually round it off to 7 yrs.....

ITs weird hey........
yeh my brother chris was born november 10 1975 an i was born jan 3 1982. so hes 26 and im 20. and he turns 27 like 2 months before i turn 21. so its a little more than 6 years.