Pyuria - Calliphora Vomitoria Introitus


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Pyuria – Calliphora Vomitoria Introitus
Crash Music – CMU61133 – January 25th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


I sighed when I saw the indecipherable, metal logo and the poorly Photoshopped graphics on the cover art of Pyuria’s debut album. What Calliphora Vomitoria Introitus instantaneously brought to mind was the ostentatious Pathogenic Ocular Dissonance, which is a release by Tourniquet; scouring a medical dictionary/thesaurus for album/song titles has been done before. Fortunately, though, the music is surprisingly arresting.

My favorite attribute, of the record, is the subtlety in which they transition from riff to riff, beat to beat, and/or tempo to tempo. Check out “Field Court-Martial” for the best exemplification of rapid yet seamless changes. Otherwise, Pyuria play speedy death metal that you’ve heard glints of before but – like I said – the transitions are so well done that they had me in awe; new time signatures arise out of nowhere, and it becomes so easy to nod along with the music. At times they sound vaguely similar to Zyklon with a pinch of At the Gates thrown in for good measure. “In Rotten Remains – Forgotten Names Lie,” surfaces after the introduction, and is a fade-in at that. It’s a plodding start, but it gets a lot better as the group waltzes through sonically pleasing tunes such as “Douleur Mortelle,” “Murder Metaframe,” and “Nemesis Mausoleum.”

Pyuria have some inconsequential EP’s to their name, but Calliphora Vomitoria Introitus nevertheless is excellent for a debut full-length. There’s much innovative songwriting at work here, and I hope to hear more from these Finns in the future. Now, if they’d only choose album titles that can actually be remembered.


Official Pyuria website
Official Crash Music website