Q-tips hiding a hook inside my unit

Jan 11, 2007
I was just at the local health clinic today getting tested for std's. The blood test is fine, but damn do I hate the Q-tip with the metal hook in it taking a sample from inside my dick. Sure wakes you up quick.

So the moral of the story is don't put your dingle in questionable young ladies, unless of course the young lady is a smoking hot Russian chick that wants to fuck like porn stars.

That is all.
I didn't have to worry about becoming aroused, some of my friends have told me all about it in the past.

In the army there is a check at the end of a rifle range to ensure that your gun is not loaded. The sgt rams a medal rod down the barrel to snap the bolt closed. This is called being roded of the range. It was also what we called the clap test at the medical station due to it being a similar process.

I thought it would hurt the morning afterward, but it actually doesn't. So maybe not so bad afterall.
most horrible experience of my life,
especially the, "if we dont call you you're fine" bit.
3 weeks of shitting my self
Dude wtf !!??! Can't you just offer some fresh urine ? My cock hurts from reading your story !

They can test for most STD's through urine now, but it's more expensive, so you won't see most doctors or clinics doing it....

After my first one I vowed never to get tested again. Wear a condom and you have nothing to worry about.
This makes my cock tingle with pain thinking about having something up there. Fuck that shit.
