Q to Jasun - Solo's?

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
Hi guys. I'm furmilliar with alot of people here as they post on the SyX board. I love Zero Hour!!!! The interplay between the bass and drums, the extreem guitar playing, the different "voices" in the vocals ect....

I have noticed that you don't have many leads or solo's. I respect that as I'm sure you can, and are still amazing musicians yadda yadda... but I've always been a bit of a shred head (see name) and I would just perfur it if you did. I mean, the solo around 8:00 in Demise & Vestige is fucking skitzo:hotjump: goddamm, that is some serious shreddage!!! I would like to know why you don't do more of this? as you clearly can do it. Is there more of this on the next album?

Ok then seeya! keep making great music. PROG ON!

ps: who is who in the booklet of Towers of Averice?:grin:
i would to hear more solos too, that one is demise & prestige kicks major ass, but what i really what to hear is more of those heavy riffs and odd time signatures, and those technical crazy riffs, i just love it

i read in an interview with jason where he said they're going to have a more eastern sound in the next album, hmmm that should be interesting, i really like that kind of stuff, kinda exotic:cool:
Thanks for the compliments guys!!!! When we write a song we take things part by part. If the part calls for a solo, we will do it. We don't want to throw a solo in if the song doesn't call for it. The next CD I do some soloing but more technical riffs than anything. That just seems to be the Zero Hour style but the next CD is going to be a monster. Thanks for your comments and appreciate the compliments.

The "real" reason Jasun doesn't solo much is because he is a prick!!! LOL Jasun can fucking shred his ass off. I have video to prove it...........thats right Jay I have video, you think the drawing of Tro was bad..........LOL But that is for my eyes only.

I have always told Jay and Tro they don't shred enough............they are soo humble though. It's all about the "song" for them. I used to love watching jay and tro rehearse and making them both do 3 octave apreggios............remember that guys?? I also used to get troy to play the racer x bass solo from extreme volume. Back in the day they were all about shredding, glad they grew up though and put the song first.

Bob "Buddah"

Bleh... I knew it, Zero Hour are one of these "It's all about the song" PUSSIES!!! Nah, just joking. Thanx for replying. Weather you shred or not, ZH will allways be one of my favourite bands. But one shred solo ina cd just isn't enough for me IMO.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Bleh... I knew it, Zero Hour are one of these "It's all about the song" PUSSIES!!! Nah, just joking. Thanx for replying. Weather you shred or not, ZH will allways be one of my favourite bands. But one shred solo ina cd just isn't enough for me IMO.

Have you checked out Jasun's Solo CD?? Not too much shredding but very good mellow jazzy stuff.

Bob "Buddah"
BUDDAH FUCKING RAWKS and you crack me up man, thats the thing I miss most about you kat. I think Buddah knows me pretty well and explained it perfectly. Thanks for making my job easy Budaah, YOU RULE MAN!!!

I definately thing technical riffs are much more important than solos... and I love the fact that Zero Hour has awesome technical riffs all over the place... and the few solos are well placed and really serve to enhance the compositions