Quad Tracking Guitars: Need help blending rhythm and lead together


May 23, 2011
Hey guys, so I'm trying to get that big/heavy guitar tone and I used AILDs Parallels just as an example. I just can't really "blend" the rhythm and lead together to sound right, or is this right? I need your guys' help to get this sounding good/big/heavy. Like, what should I do with the EQ/comp to get them right?

I uploaded 3 mp3s here:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/31816160/Guitar Mix 1.mp3 - All 4 guitars

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/31816160/Guitar Rhythm 1.mp3 - Rhythm guitars only

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/31816160/Guitar Lead 1.mp3 - Lead guitars only
really? it works fine for me, but i just download/registered on dropbox about 30 mins ago. is there a "share" button or something to make public perhaps?
your dropbox has a public folder, put the songs in there, then right-click the song you want>select dropbox from the drop down menu and select> copy public link
Seriously (listening in headphones) I don't see what's wrong... Maybe with drums and bass it's easier to figure out what's the problem?
You MAY have considered this so please dont flame at this, but AILD's tone is really well blended guitar and bass\kick.
I reckon this tone could really work in a mix with a really solid rhythm section :)
The rhythm tone is kind of fizzy and harsh in the highs. Sounds pretty good other than that. Your leads don't sound bad other than they are somewhat too loud in the intro and need some delay. You might try low-passing the leads a bit more than the rhythm guitars. You can often get away with less highs on the lead tracks.
thanks, yea i was using their real song as a reference, and i noticed their rhythm guitars also sounded a little fizzy yet somehow they managed to get away with it :lol: ill try your suggestions and see what i can do to make it better