Quad tracking - sounds distant? (noob alert)


Nov 5, 2009
Hi, first time recording a band, this is one of the guitar parts tracked 4 times. When I layer them all up and stick them through amps, it sounds really distant and doesn't have the heaviness I thought quad tracking would give... Is it from sloppiness in playing, slight changes in tuning or the quality of the DIs? I'll convert them to mp3s and upload in a sec if that less of a hassle.
Thanks! :kickass:

ESP MH200 EMG81 in bridge -> Focusrite OctoPre 8
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3059614/Guitar 1.wav
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3059614/Guitar 2.wav
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3059614/Guitar 3.wav
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3059614/Guitar 4.wav

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3059614/Guitar 1.mp3
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3059614/Guitar 2.mp3
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3059614/Guitar 3.mp3
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3059614/Guitar 4.mp3
MP3 version if you prefer, it'll take a few mins to upload..



Done a bit more work on it as well as only use two takes from each player, so its a bit less messy this time
Sorry about that, mp3 versions are all up now, itll take just under an hour for the wavs to work. Just noticed the beginning of number two sounds horrible!
EDIT: They're all done now
i havent listened to the clips, but from your description, i'd be willing to wager that you're running into some sort of phase cancellation with your tracks
Updated first post with the distorted versions, and them in a crappy 'mix'. And yeah there's bass, and guitars are panned.
Sounds like phase issues to me. Try flipping the polarity on half of the tracks (1 per side) and see what that buys you. BTW, guitar two sounds completely different. On another note, quad tracking needs to be very tight to work well and these tracks aren't really there. All of that said, for a first try it could be alot worse. Keep persevering.
Honestly, I think the guitar playing is too sloppy and is resulting with major phase problems
...or you have a 2 or more mic placements on each guitar track & they are having phase issues
Could be combination of both lol

EDIT: Forgot to mention that tuning/intonation problems on the guitar could also lead to these issues.
Tune before every take!!! Seriously
Intonate your guitar every time you change strings & change strings often :P