QUEENSRŸCHE To Perform 'Operation: Mindcrime' In Its Entirety, Band Plan Sequel

with Q2k in 1999 or 2000, where the band has not only followed trends, but put out a number of piss poor compilation and live albums to make a quick
The sound of Q2K is a followed trend? Have you ever heard Q2K? Its a simple hard rock album , not special - just good, but there is no way that you can call its sound "trendy". Unless you know other bands with that sound. About the compilation :
WOW they released their first compilation ever, does that make them sellouts? And they released their first live album too (except Livecrime) .... for Christ's shake, they shouldnt have released it in order not to be .. "trendy"? I cant believe your criteria in judging why and how a band is a sellout or follows "trends".
I never said that Q2K, HITNF or Tribe are original progressive and first rate (NOONE says that), even though i like Tribe VERY MUCH. I just dont consider them to be the band's attempts to sell more. And i find almost ridiculus that when a band tries something different and not that good/innovative, to be called a "sellout" and a "follower of trends". Especially when it comes to Queensryche, when we have to face a legacy that leaves us without doubts about their attitude towards music
I always find quite amazing the impact Operation Mindcrime had on all fans of metal. Everyone seems to like it, and those who don't necessarily listen to that kind of thing can still appreciate it for it's song writing, production, concept, or whatever.

I don't think I've heard anyone say that it's a poor album without sound reasoning.

Ok so I found the one diehard Queensryche fan- and he is Greek as well. Well after 10 weeks over there, I know Greeks are about the most stubborn people I have ever encountered ( I am not insulting you, it just seems to be true- just like most Americans are uncultured and without any grasp of history) I fail to understand why or how you fail to agree that O2k and Tribe were created with trends at the time in mind. But it doesnt matter, I dont really care. Why prolong the argument, what are we arguing about anyway?

We both like(love) old Queensryche. I find that since DeGarmo left, they have produced mediocre albums that follow the current trends. You disagree. This isnt a big deal. As you have said, very few people actually buy these new albums, thus perhaps Mindcrime II is a last ditch effort to sell some albums and put their children through school. If you disagree, fine.
SO what the hell are you saying? I fail to understand your point- is it that they could go back to Empire and write songs for MTV? BUt as I have already discussed this is bullshit. Q2k was alt-rock when altrock was somewhat popular and it got no airtime, Tribe was Creed like, but it didnt get any airtime. SO for the last time, what the hell is your point? Please enlighten me.
IOfTheStorm said:
The sound of Q2K is a followed trend? Have you ever heard Q2K? Its a simple hard rock album , not special - just good, but there is no way that you can call its sound "trendy". Unless you know other bands with that sound. About the compilation :
WOW they released their first compilation ever, does that make them sellouts? And they released their first live album too (except Livecrime) .... for Christ's shake, they shouldnt have released it in order not to be .. "trendy"? I cant believe your criteria in judging why and how a band is a sellout or follows "trends".
I never said that Q2K, HITNF or Tribe are original progressive and first rate (NOONE says that), even though i like Tribe VERY MUCH. I just dont consider them to be the band's attempts to sell more. And i find almost ridiculus that when a band tries something different and not that good/innovative, to be called a "sellout" and a "follower of trends". Especially when it comes to Queensryche, when we have to face a legacy that leaves us without doubts about their attitude towards music
These are my "points" and why i think you are wrong in calling Queensryche "trend followers" or "band who only tries to sell more". You can answer to them, or just call me stubborn (which is not a problem with me, i enjoy being stubborn).
I guess a question worth asking is WHEN did Queensryche decide to make Operation Mindcrime II?

If it was years and years ago, when they were at their peak 15-20 years ago, then the act might be one that is noble. Perhaps they wanted to do the side projects, or experiment with other sounds, or make solo albums, before coming "full circle"....

However, if they just decided out of the blue to make a sequel, then you have to be fucking suspicious about their motives.

Who's to say that if Q2K or Tribe were as incredible (and popular) as their earlier stuff, they wouldn't have just kept making more albums in that vein? It's all speculative, but you always have to be a little cynical in seeing a band take advantage of something that golden at a time when their career is in the toilet.

If Mindcrime II turns out to be shit, doesn't sell, and then the band split up forever, then that should leave little room for debate. Until then, let's see.

Personally, I WANT the album to be good. I mean, which Mindcrime fan wouldn't?
Who's to say that if Q2K or Tribe were as incredible (and popular) as their earlier stuff, they wouldn't have just kept making more albums in that vein?
I am not sure that my bad english helped me understood exactly what you said. If you are saying that they would release more albums like q2k if q2k was a success then:
But i am to say that they woudlnt keep making more albums in that vein. They ALWAYS change. Simply look at the masterpiece named "Promised Land" that followed "Empire".
If you didnt say that thing, then ignore me :dopey:
IOfTheStorm said:
If you are saying that they would release more albums like q2k if q2k was a success then:
But i am to say that they woudlnt keep making more albums in that vein. They ALWAYS change. Simply look at the masterpiece named "Promised Land" that followed "Empire".
Yes, you understood, and your English is fine to me.

And you raise a good point actually. If you look at ALL their albums, each one is significantly different. Even the leap from Rage for Order to Op Mindcrime was pretty significant.

I guess you could blame Q2K on the absence of Chris DeGarmo, but then he came back for Tribe. However, I don't know how many songs he wrote for Tribe -- they might have been written before his return.

Either way, DeGarmo seems to be a key factor. Will he return for Mindrcime II?

In any case, if the ever-changing pattern continues then I'm not sure if that's such a good thing, right? I mean, you would want Mindcrime II to sound like Mindcrime I, no? I think I would.
If DeGarmo will return, then simply there are more chances of a possible new masterpiece.
But lets not forget that it was DeGarmo who wrote most of their worst album (Hear In The Now Frontier).
I just expect a majestic, powerfull sound with intense melodies and a great instrumentation. And Pamela Moore of course.
So if i am not mistaken you like Q2k and Tribe. Fine. We strongly disagree on the direction and quality of those two albums. What you didnt seem to understand is of course i love everything up to Promise land- my whole argument was based on the last three albums.
Well I think the last two albums they did follow trends, so we disagree. As for Mindcrime II i think i have stated the reasons why I am very skeptical of what they will produce. WOuld I like it to be good- of course. You know Queensryche was the first metal band I got into, so they hold a special place for me.
Interesting that nobody has brought up the comments from Geoff Tate upon the release of his solo album when he made mention of the fact that he "always hated metal and hard rock music" and was glad to be out of it.

Then when his solo release was killed by fans and critics alike, he rushed back to Queensryche and started to grow his hair again.
JayKeeley said:
Interesting that nobody has brought up the comments from Geoff Tate upon the release of his solo album when he made mention of the fact that he "always hated metal and hard rock music" and was glad to be out of it.

Then when his solo release was killed by fans and critics alike, he rushed back to Queensryche and started to grow his hair again.
I dont think that he said "i always HATED metal and hard rock music" ... he just said that he wasnt a fan of them. He liked Pink Floyd etc.
I liked some songs from his solo album (for example "Helpless" is great).
And about his hair ... he had the longest hair since Empire when he did his solo album ... just look at the cover of it.
JayKeeley said:
Interesting that nobody has brought up the comments from Geoff Tate upon the release of his solo album when he made mention of the fact that he "always hated metal and hard rock music" and was glad to be out of it.
That's something I've come to expect whenever a metal veteran claims to be sick of the genre. They always come back to try to recapture lost inspiration after the failed experiment. I wonder how many interviewers have questioned Rob Halford about "metal is 100% dead" recently.
IOfTheStorm said:
I dont think that he said "i always HATED metal and hard rock music" ... he just said that he wasnt a fan of them. He liked Pink Floyd etc.
I liked some songs from his solo album (for example "Helpless" is great).
And about his hair ... he had the longest hair since Empire when he did his solo album ... just look at the cover of it.
Tate also mentioned that he has always been a fan of such cutting-edge 80's pop artists as The Thompson Twins and Ultravox.

"Helpess" is a great song... I quite like his solo album, despite its wimpiness.
Thank you Jay, its obvious I of the Storm is a serious fanboy of Queensryche. Tates solo album was horrible and unsuccessful. So what does Geoff do? The bands attempts to go mainstream with Tribe and Q2k failed miserably both musically and financially, his solo album was a flop- whats left, what could the band explot- well their famous metal album: Operation Mindcrime.

God I mean I love Queensryche, and since I am a skeptical pessimistic bastard I have a much higher standard for them than other bands, thus I get pissed off when a band is so blatently exploiting their fans with their last two albums, and an pathetic financially motivated attempt to tarnish the reputation of their greatest album.
ok i am saying it for the last time. NOONE can be in the band's mind and tell what they had in mind when making music. If the sound or songs of "Tribe" are an attempt for the band to be mainstream, then i cant wait for the next billboard hit that has that sound