Queensryche Album Teaser

Those sound clips were so short, I'll withhold judgement. That said, I suspect the initial reaction to this will be to wildly overrate it, simply because it sounds like Metal. And while it may be Metal, I didn't hear anything in those brief clips that sounded like Queensryche.
Those sound clips were so short, I'll withhold judgement. That said, I suspect the initial reaction to this will be to wildly overrate it, simply because it sounds like Metal. And while it may be Metal, I didn't hear anything in those brief clips that sounded like Queensryche.

I agree with you that we have to wait for the final product (these are demos) to be able to judge it as an album, but I will say that based on the short clips on the video, this is the first Queensryche album I'm actually excited for in over a decade, so unless they screw it up massively, I'm buying! :headbang:
Disagree the 2nd clip had the trademark Ryche sound all over it. The short clips are the smart way to go because it is going to get people TALKING about the band regardless.
Disagree the 2nd clip had the trademark Ryche sound all over it. The short clips are the smart way to go because it is going to get people TALKING about the band regardless.

Agreed, they were smart to keep the name out their while the Tate camp is "crowing" about selling 1,800 copies of his new solo album in the first week of release. :puke:

Also, if there are new elements being brought into Queensryche to expand on their sound by being more Metal and less "Cabaret", then I'm okay with that! Besides, Tate has diluted Queensryche with crap like Dedicated to Chaos, American Soldier, and OM II, so who is to say what the Queensryche "sound" is anymore?? :lol: :headbang:
the Tate camp
Is there a Tate camp?

Honestly, I'm not sure this is worth dividing up into camps. You have one guy who's a douche vs. three guys who have never done a thing without the douche. Combined, they haven't written a song worth writing in more than twenty years, and it's been nearly 25 years since their seminal album. I say we all camp together and leave the writing of great Metal to guys who don't have an AARP card in their wallets.
I agree its hard to make any judgement from the short samples.
Lots of it sounded very "modern" especially vocally.
I think if they want to continue on their own merits, they should stop making references to Mindcrime and Empire.
No matter what they do, even if it is more metal, it isn't going to sound like either of those two albums.
That would be as much of a FAIL as creating an album called MINDCRIME II (Whoops!!! Too late!!!!)