Queensryche/Dream Theater review from 7/18/03 in Cincy, OH(better late than never)...


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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This was an excellent show. Sorry I'm posting days later but I've had to work 24 hours in 2 days. I missed Fates Warning completely, I heard them playing while I was waiting to get in. By the time I got into Annie's, FW was done. Oh Well. Here is the setlist for both bands(maybe not in perfect order though):
*QUEENSRYCHE-Open/NM156/Take Hold of the Flame/Walk in the Shadows/Empire/Jet City Woman/I Remember Now/Anarchy X/Revolution Calling/Speak/Eyes of a Stranger/The Lady Wore Black/Queen of the Reich/Best I Can
*(side notes) My friends and I, along with others I talked to, were so glad they didn't do "Silent Lucidity" (good song played to death by radio). Also, touring guitarist Mike Stone had some trouble playing DeGarmo's solos (especially during the MINDCRIME and earlier stuff) but was still pretty good and solid. Sound was great and a great setlist.

*DREAM THEATER-The Glass Prison/Under a Glass Moon/Scarred (w/the alt. outro.)/Home/Misunderstood/Another Day/New Millenium/Pull Me Under (w/the alt. tempos)
*(side notes)-Another Day was an interesting and unusual choice from Images and Words. During "New Millenium" bassist John Myung played a Chapman Stick and people in the crowd and my friends were asking "what is that?" I said jokingly, "It's a 50 string bass," because I didn't know either at the time. Also, John Petrucci is phenomenal. He is in my top 5 guitarist of all time. Hell, everyone in Dream Theater is a fucking virtuoso, but Petrucci, drummer Portnoy, and keyboardist Jordan Rhuddes really stood out. I don't like all of DT's stuff, but will definitely see them play again LIVE. They KICKED ASS.

*The joint encore: Peruvian Skies/Real World/Won't Get Fooled Again
(side notes) This was awesome. 10 people on stage at the same time. At one point, Queensryche drummer Scott Rockenfield and DT drummer Mike Portnoy were playing on the same drum kit (Portnoys huge 3 bass, 50 toms, 100 cymbals, etc... Both bands sharing a Dream Theater song, a Queensryche song, and a classic by the Who. I'm a big Queensryche fan, and they were good, but Dream Theater ruled this night.
Got them here in San Diego Friday the 25th! Still pissed that FW is not on the bill that night...have heard from friends that they have been great, but not playing anything off Perfect Symmetry....????
fuck perfect symmetry, awaken the guardian is their best, PERIOD

yeah, I loved that show....seems you guys got a better set :(

oh well.....the joint set with them playing the who was PHENOMENAL

Sigh, both of your setlists were better than the show I went to. At yours they played Walk in the Shadows, Under a Glass Moon, and The Glass Prison.... Woulda killed to have them played those at my show.
Although as part of the joint encore, they played Take Hold of the Flame. Woo,.
buzz21 said:
Got them here in San Diego Friday the 25th! Still pissed that FW is not on the bill that night...have heard from friends that they have been great, but not playing anything off Perfect Symmetry....????
I was in the parking lot too! Fates Warning was great, but I only got to see two songs! I was pissed! they(annies) should have waited untill we all got in before letting them go on stage..oh well :Smug: