Queensryche Karaoke Singer?! Did anyone hear this Thursday????

Thank you everybody for your enthusiasm and encouraging words both here and at the festival. When my bandmates emailed me yesterday and told me that a thread had been started about that little "karaoke incident", I was flattered, to say the least. Okay.. pleasantly shocked was more like it. I was especially moved by the pre-show wishes. WOW! *blush*

As far as that goes, I have to agree with Chris. Sure, we'd love to be a part of next year's event (who the hell wouldn't!), but that's up to the promoters (and maybe you guys). Regardless of what happens, though, rest assured, we'll keep you guys posted as to the status of "Krone" and other projects.

We made a lot of new friends at this year's PP - offline AND online! It's been really great!

Thank you again, everyone! :wave:

Tarathur said:
Okay.. pleasantly shocked was more like it. I was especially moved by the pre-show wishes. WOW! *blush*

Eh, I say it's about time that you got some attention from the community :). That was a great way to MAKE 'EM PAY ATTENTION, Jen! Ever since I heard the Mindframe demo I've known about the KILLER voice Jen has, but never could get folks to pay attention to me talk about a female singer with a mastery of the Tate/Wilson style (oh who is that vocal coach that taught them both, darnit?). I'm extremely glad that you wow'ed em. As it happens, I was just arriving as you finished "Eyes of a Stranger," and I was VERY happy to hear you sing. Hopefully you can wow even more people next year at the pre-show party - I liked it this year but I really think it should be more about opportunities for newer bands rather than a place for well-known acts to play. Should talk to Shane about that a bit, I guess.
Now and Forever,
llorenth said:
Ever since I heard the Mindframe demo I've known about the KILLER voice Jen has, but never could get folks to pay attention to me talk about a female singer with a mastery of the Tate/Wilson style (oh who is that vocal coach that taught them both, darnit?).

I don't know about Wilson, but Tate DEFINITELY! She's BETTER than Tate if you ask me. I guess I'd have to hear her do more classic stuff to hear the Wilson style. No doubt though, bro, one of the best, maybe THE BEST metal voice I've heard ever. Now I've gotta find this Mindframe EP!!!!!

Jen: you have any copies for sale?

:hotjump: -Dave

P.S. Jen: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :worship: :worship: :worship:
darkeknight2005 said:
Jen: you have any copies for sale?

Mindframe split up in 2001, shortly after playing Pittsburgh's first and only Progressive Metal Festival. The EP went out of circulation shortly thereafter. I still have a small collection of personal copies, but none for sale - sorry. You may find some out there if you look around; we sold quite a few between 2000 and 2001.

My recommendation, though - honestly - is to sit tight and wait for "Krone" to be released. The material is far superior to anything Mindframe put out. Not to knock what I did with my former band - it was good stuff, and, at the time, my best. But, I've developed a lot since then, both as a writer and a vocalist. I've got a great partner and a terrific producer, and I think Mindframe fans will be able to appreciate the evolution.


I was the guy that was absolutely plastered and all in front of the stage. Sorry if I was a little scary, but you absolutely ruled !! As shitfaced as I was, I still remember how you hit those incredible notes from QR and Steelheart. I hope you get to sing some at PPVII. It will be a pleasure to see you again.

Bryant said:
I was the guy that was absolutely plastered and all in front of the stage. Sorry if I was a little scary, but you absolutely ruled !! As shitfaced as I was, I still remember how you hit those incredible notes from QR and Steelheart. I hope you get to sing some at PPVII. It will be a pleasure to see you again.


AH! How could I forget you?! My number one fan! And, here I thought you might've been Darkeknight (Dave). I guess there were a lot of enthusiastic folks in the room that night. Nice to meet you, Bryant. Don't think I actually got a name Thursday night. I hope I get to sing some next year too! If not upstairs, there's always downstairs, eh? I think I know a few folks who will hang out either way. ;)

