Quest for a carboard guitar box


Sep 2, 2006
So I've been trying to get a few cardboard guitar boxes to flog my guitars and you'd figured guitar stores would be tripping over themselves to get rid of them, dead wrong.

First shop I went into was GuitarGuitar, I ask the guy at the counter if he has any spare cardboard guitar boxes cos I'm flogging a few guitars to buy a Fender at some point. He looks at me like I've just asked for a pound of blow, there are 300+ guitars on the walls. He says no and directs me next door to their online retail store.

I walk in, ask the guy there the same question, he doesnt look at me like I've asked him for a pound of blow and actually goes to check the back, eventually returning to say "no there arent any boxes". I'm thinking; "this place must do hundreds of transactions each day and there are no fucking boxes?"

I figure; "sod it" and leave, the nearest guitar shop is 2 miles away, I walk to that. As I walk in and the assistant is having an argument with an engineer over the quality of the thread on a microphone clip, loud words are shouted along the lines of "This is not how you treat a customer, I'm telling Jimmy all about this", the word Jimmy is said quite a lot and it appears they're fighting over £2; it's true what they say, Scottish people are fucking tight. The man exits the shop with his visibly disabled friend as I stand in the background waiting for the right moment to ask again (I do know how to pick 'em). From down the street the disabled bloke shouts out that the guy at the store is an arsehole, the store guy, having already refunded the guy and thinking he was dealing with the customer not the disabled gentleman runs out the shop and shouts out that the guy is a fucking tight customer, to which the guy returns and starts giving him grief over the fact that discrimination against disabled patrons is against the law.

At this point I'm wondering whether this will ever fucking end, just as it draws to a close, so I walk up to the counter and ask some other guy if they can give me a few cardboard guitar boxes, he looks at me like I've asked him for a pound of blow and an 8th of Purple Haze:

"Sorry, we can't give them to customers, health and safety laws say we have to dump them instead"

Christ on a bike, these isles are fucked! Pretty soon you're not going to be able to walk down your own road without some kind of retarded space suite on, as you might trip and sue the pavers.
I am in the same boat right now. Just got cash for the schecter 006 I am selling and CG and local music stores wont give up any boxes to ship it. FedEx wants $75 to pack it and ship it .... I'm like FUCK THAT!

So tonight I am going to set some regular cardboard boxes and make one big box to put the case and the guitar in. Hopefully FedEx accepts it that way. This fucking blows BIG TIME.
I am in the same boat right now. Just got cash for the schecter 006 I am selling and CG and local music stores wont give up any boxes to ship it. FedEx wants $75 to pack it and ship it .... I'm like FUCK THAT!

So tonight I am going to set some regular cardboard boxes and make one big box to put the case and the guitar in. Hopefully FedEx accepts it that way. This fucking blows BIG TIME.

I'm faced with either that option or actually physically having to order guitar boxes (£7 + £8 postage) on ebay, fucking ripoff for a piece of cardboard.

If there are any geniuses out there who have a good solution for this kind of thing then please share it!
I would Marcus, I do have over a grand in the bank but my parents are paying my rent at the moment and they'd slaughter me if I started errantly spending money on guitars without having sold any :lol:
I have shipped half a dozen guitars in home-made boxes after the quest you've described ended similarly and have never had any problems. Self storage places often have specialty boxes, too.
These boxes are lying around in huge piles outside the guitar store in my town. Finally something gear related we have enough of. :lol:
Ok, perhaps "home-made" gives me a little too much credit. I have access to an almost unlimited supply of large cardboard boxes as the shipping/receiving guy at work. I take a couple large boxes and cut them up into flats. The flats get folded into two halves that fit around the guitar case. Apply heavy tape liberally and drive to the post office.
strange....i can always get them around me. Even Guitar Center will just hand them out

Yup.. i work in a music store, and we're always happy when customers comes and asks for boxes(We give them away for free.).
It means less work for us having to cut them down in to pieces and drive down to the recycling station to dump them.
Well my plan is to get a few boxes that are a bit too small, cut the sides into strips wide enough to cover each side and tape it all together.

Do this. It works; shipped a guitar to ebmm like this hahaha. As long as its in a good case, the guitar should be fine. I loaded the inside with newspaper between the case and the hacked up carboard boxes. LOTS OF TAPE.
Guitar is packed super tight in the case. I stuffed it with rigid foam after I put the guitar in the case. The guitar doesn't move. The case is one of them hard gig cases made of rigid foam. The guitar will be fine. I just need to cover the bastard up in brown cardboard and make it look like a