World's Wildest Police Videos is a funny show

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
It really is. I'm watching it right now, and this idiot is trying to break into a store. First he tries kicking the door in. Then he tries ramming himself into it. Neither works. It's time for the heavy artillery. A newspaper rack! But, it's too heavy for this guy to pick up. He tries kicking the door again, it works. After all that work, the jackass only steals 3 boxes of cookies! Then, the cops come to inspect the scene, and the guy who robbed the store walks right by the cop cars on the outside! The cops finally realize that they've got the guy who did it by the 3 boxes of cookies he's holding!
every time I watch those show,I see some form of police brutallity........... I would rather watch Funniest Home Videos..................