Question about 10 years?


AKA Addicted To Death
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago, Illinois
Hey guys! Okay i still only have Catch 22 (yeah i know i suck!). But i'm really gonna get FC and s/t or Abducted, but i have a question: If i'm going to get these albums, do i need to get 10 years?? And should i get this instead of one of the albums i said i was gonna get?? Hope i didn't confuse ya guys! :loco:
Been a while since The Pimp has posted in the Hypocrisy Forum, but here it goes:
I's would recommend getting 10 Years Of Chaos & Confusion if you're one of the diehard collectors. Look especially for the Limited Edition Boxset with bonus CD with the rare demos and video clips, Rest In Pain. :headbang:
I's started listening to Hypocrisy through this album and recommend it strongly for those unfamilar with the band and are looking at the selection of their great work. But, since ya'll already know the major body of Hypocrisy's work, may find it a waste of money because ya'll gonna go back and get the back catalogue. But grab the Limited Edition 10 Years. . . ia ya'll find it and hang on it until it gathers a fine price upon it.
The Pimp NeonBlack
10 Years is a worthy buy when you're familiar with the Hypocrisy catalogue. As the pimp said, the limited addition with "Rest In Pain" is a must. 10 years has some GREAT re-recordings of several songs, so it's not just some shoddily thrown together "Greatest Hits" type thing. Peter puts a whole new spin on some of the classics, especially "Osculum Obscenum". I'd highly recommend it, but later down the road when you have more albums from the collection so you can compare.