Question about "Cornered"


Language enthusiast
May 7, 2002
Utrecht, Netherlands
I found this song on Audiogalaxy and I was just wondering what this song is cause I'd never heard (of) it.

Listening to the sound it's obviously from the "Haven" sessions, but what is it? A Japanese bonus track? A "Haven" leftover? :confused:
Yes, Cornered is both a Japanese bonus-track and a leftover-song from Haven sessions. It originally leaked into the net before Haven was released, as it had been included on a few CD-r promo-copies of the album (the official promos don't have it), which were then lent to some friends of the band.

This is a question that has been asked several times before and will be included - alongside the "official" answer by Niklas - on the FAQ. It will be ready pretty soon. :p

Originally posted by Burning Darkness
That song kicks ass, better than anything on Haven IMO

i'd rate it as the fourth best song on haven, right after feast of burden, at loss for words and rundown. if bonus songs are to be the worst, neither cornered nor exposure should have taken that place, imo.

Originally posted by rahvin

i'd rate it as the fourth best song on haven, right after feast of burden, at loss for words and rundown. if bonus songs are to be the worst, neither cornered nor exposure should have taken that place, imo.


Agreed though I don't care much for Cornered. Then again, I don't care much for the majority of the songs on Haven.
I don't really care much for Exposure... and it's the only bonus-song I have on CD - I would rather have taken Cornered... :cry:

But perhaps we one day can have them all on an official DT "rare tracks collection" -album...

-Villain (wishful thinker)
Originally posted by phyre
Perhaps you have a crappy MP3? Besides, bad production is

nope, i'm lucky enough to have it on the original cd. :)
i just meant it sounds as if it could have been polished a little more by the band itself. and i know all about recording stuff in a windy graveyard and praising the inherent shittiness of production, but to me bad production is just... *shrug* :grin:
