Question about In Flames tour...


New Metal Member
Jul 22, 2005
Does anyone know any more info about this tour? It's coming to my area, and I am seriously considering going, but it really depends on Nevermore, who is the main band I would want to see. Does anyone know if they are playing right before In Flames, with a decent amount of playing time, or is Throwdown right before In Flames, which would mean they would probably get more time than Nevermore, which would be horrible. Please shed some light if anyone knows, if not, I guess we shall wait and see.

Will Bozarth said:
which means, we get to see 2 great bands, and miss 2 bad bands

Yeah, pretty much. Although I used to be a really big In Flames fan, Clayman and back. The other three discs have one or two songs on each album that don't suck, but meh. I'd like to see them at least once.
I'm with you guys. I'm only interested in Evergrey and Nevermore (of course). I've seen In Flames twice, opening for Mudvayne (in which I was impressed because they played older material and had longer to play) and with Shadow's Fall, Arch Enemy, etc..on an offdate from Ozzfest in Sept. 2005 (they only played newer stuff like "Trigger", "Cloud Connected", and stuff off of Soundtrack... didn't like this as much).
I guess maybe I will still go. But man, this sucks. I have yet to se Nevermore on a headlining show, only as an opening act with no more than 30 minutes to play. I can't wait until they headline...but if I don't go to this show, with my luck, they won't come anywhere near Ft. Lauderdale on a headlining tour...bleh. Owell, 30 minutes of Nevermore it is!!