Nevermore opening for In Flames in May in the USA

During their last tour about a month ago, In Flames played:

Worlds Within the Margin
Artifacts of the Black Rain
Insipid 2000
Clad in Shadows

and other songs that haven't been played regularly in years. Plus, they're still good live. But I would much rather see Nevermore headline, as it's been years. the Dead Heart tour if I remember correctly.
yeah, why nevermore can't headline is seriously a fucking mystery to me. they headlined years ago and now that they have an album that is getting praise everywhere they can't headline again?
Starforsaken, are you sure you attending this tour?

In Flames - Setlist from Columbus Show
posted on 02-13-2006 @ 11:36 AM

Here is IN FLAMES's setlist from their sold-out show Saturday night in Columbus, OH (note: Not exact order):

From Whoracle:
Worlds Within the Margin
Episode 666

From Colony:
Behind Space
Insipid 2000

From Clayman:
Pinball Map*
Only For the Weak

From Reroute to Remain:
Cloud Connected
Black and White

From Soundtrack to Your Escape:
The Quiet Place
Touch of Red
My Sweet Shadow**
Dial 595 Escape

From Come Clarity:
Take This Life
Crawl Through Knives

Total: 20

*= Opener
**= Closer
Intro Music: Your Bedtime Story Is Scaring Everyone (from the album Come Clarity)
I'll go just to rock out with my cock out, and who cares who nevermore is playing with, just go to support them. Because they fucking rock ass!
Will, they changed their setlist for certain shows depending on audience reactions pretty much. Utah got:

Come Clarity -
Your Bedtime story is scaring everyone (intro)
Take this life
Crawl Through Knives

Touch of Red
My Sweet Shadow

Cloud Connected

Pinball Map
Bullet Ride

Colony -
Ordinary Story

Whoracle -
Episode 666
Worlds within the margin

Jester Race -
Artifacts of the Black Rain
The Jester Race

Lunar Strain-
Behind Space

We got an awesome setlist. I can't remember the order though. I remember pinball map was the opener though.
are you positive they didn't play the quiet place? i mean they had a video for that and played it at the sf show i'm almost positive and it seems like a song they'd want to play live. your set seems almost too good to be true, lucky bastard.
Nope no quiet place, he actually talked about it to the audience and said they played it the last few nights, and felt that we could get something a little different, and thats when he kicked in Artifacts of the Black Rain.
fading said:
What the hell is their management doing to them. With TGE they should be flying higher than ever and headlining the freakin world.

I'm thinking the same thing...who's running the show, here?

Will Bozarth said:
...they played Jester Race? wow

Sort of... you see, Anders was sick still and he was resting his voice, so the band played some of it while he was drinking. Not all of it, but it was cool non the less.
a couple of you have hit the nail on the head, nmore need to seriously examine their management contract. If their managers are unable to take them to the next level, then perhaps a change is in order. And if they're managing themselves, they have to remember that he who represents himself has a fool for a client.

not to mention, inept management can also mean corrupt management, which means less money for the talent and more for the suits.