Question about METALIUM


METAL... nuff said!

Old school fan here. We caught Metalium on a whim when the first album came out. And easily, this first album is one of my favorites. I could listen to that album over and over.

But... after the third album came out, things were different. They lost Mike Terrana on drums, they lost Jack Frost on guitar, and the sound of the band was different. I've lost track of the band and I don't even think I know where my copy of Chapter 4 is.

So... are these guys still players in the field? Have they stalled? Have they gotten better? Should I get their latest stuff and rediscover them? Should they play Prog Power some time soon?
I thought the 1st album was cool... it had an unusual energy to it, with Mike Terrana and Chris Caffery, sort of a mix of US and Euro power metal. Bringing in Jack Frost temporarily when Caffery left was solid (though not as good as Caffery being there). But as they progressed from there, they seemed to get bit more generic. That's not necessarily a bad thing to me, as I love a lot of power metal that can be described as generic... but you gotta at least have some riffs or something that jump out at you... that seemed to be lacking a bit. I have their first 4 discs, and #4 does have some more personality to it than #3 did, but their 5th album is out now, and despite having read comments from more than one person saying that it's a step up for them, I still cannot seem to make myself get off the fence about whether to buy it.

Either way, something like this that I'm ambivalent about, is certainly going to take a back seat when there are so many CD's out there that I really want...
Well for me the 5th one "Demons Of Insanity" was my first listen to Metalium and I really enjoyed it, but then again I am a Power Metal junky generic or not.
Metalium is one of those ultra-talented bands that just hasn't made that killer album yet, and a lot of people have given up on them in the process.

The 1st and 2nd albums were strong, but the 3rd and 4th were steps back.
I found out about Metallium in a unique way. I got this incredible Dio tribute CD called Holy Dio. One of the many awesome covers on it was this amazing version of "Rainbow Eyes." The song was credited to Catch the Rainbow and the singer was Henne Basse. This was one of my favorite songs on the CD so I did a search to find out more about them. That's when I found out that Catch the Rainbow was the name of a Rainbow tribute project from Uil Kusch (Helloween/Masterplan) and Henning Basse, lead singer from Metalium was the primary vocalist. I immediately bought Catch the Rainbow and later got the first 2 Metaliums. Whie the Metalium albums had some good songs, they don't even come close to showing Basse's full potential. I heard the next 2 abums and found them even more disappointing. Partially because I want to hear more of what Basse can really do and partly because I'm just not interested in the whole continuing conceptual story. IMO it's time to end it and move on. Try and make a non-concept album for once.
I only have their first album, but I think it's great. I found out about them while searching on Ebay for Helloween and purchased the album for under $5.00. It's one of the best power metal purchases I've ever made.
These guys have yet to release a sub-par album, despite the numerous lineup changes. Why haven't they been on the ProgPower roster yet? Is it too late to trade Epica for them?

Stay metal. Never rust.
I have all 5 albums and the latest one I would say ranks up there with the first one in terms of quality. I usually tire of playing power metal CD's after about 30 listens, but this one I just keep reaching for. The songs are that memorable. See if we can sneak them into PP SOON!! They deserve it!