Question about multiple tracking of guitars


Oct 18, 2007
Between my wife and kids I have limited time to write music anymore….. but I have a question about tracking guitars. Lets say I have a riff that I like and I want to do 4 tracks of it and throw it in with some bass and drums to get an Idea of how it might sound… with some of my Amp Sims. To save time for the immediate need and if it comes down to that I will use it I will track it 4 separate times but…. Can you manipulate a wav file to simulate a different tracking? Something that can be quick and easy?

So record one riff> throw it on 4 tracks> run special magical deal to make subtle changes to wav so it sounds like it was recorded separate> do appropriate panning on tracks> mess with Amp sims to get a general Idea of what I like> realize I suck and go watch football.:)

If all your doing is trying to get an idea of how something will sound for when you properly record it, why not just take the time to lay down 2 actual tracks? It'll sound like as if you just try to copy the same track 3 more times and manipulate it. Or just copy it once and maybe process it with one of the dozen amp sim plugs and maybe nudge it a little if you are really having any crazy phase issues. Again, if its just a rough layout to see how something might sound with drums & bass and you like the idea enough to keep, you're gonna want to record it properly when you are able anyway, so the quality of your demo shouldn't be too much of a problem

The old trick:

a) play riff 4 times and record it to track ONE
b) cut riff in half so you have part a1 + a2 and a3 + a4
c) copy part a3 + a4 onto track TWO so that it plays simultaneously with part A - voila, instant doubling (if it doesn't need to be supertight)

Track ONE: Riff A1 - Riff A2
Track TWO: Riff A3 - Riff A4

Easy and fast!

EDIT: I just saw that the link that botus99 gave you explains exactly this ...
I agree with last post. For tightness I`m use hitpoints and align begining of riff (or important places, or add additional hitpoints) to time using warp tabs in nuendo (cubase).