Guitar Tracking Question (Amp Sim Help)


Jul 16, 2009
Indianapolis Indiana
Guys, I am trying to track some guitars to be reamped later down the line. The issue I am having is that I am trying to use Nick Crowe's stuff right now and with out cab simulation on the track I can't really get into the tone enough to nail my performances. Like the tone is too distracting for me to really get my feel right. However, when I throw cab sims on via impulse there is just too much latency. This is in no way knocking the Crowe sounds great with cab sims on...

Do you guys know of any decent (doesn't have to sound wonderful, it's just for tracking) amp sims that don't eat up mega amounts of CPU?

My only other option would be just bouncing all the rest of the tracks down and starting another session to track guitars then bouncing things back to the main mix...but that might be a bit of a headache.

Any help would be killer.
I think the latency is coming form having like 30 tracks going already please vst instruments running in the back ground. The latency only kicks in if I have perfect space (sonar) running the cab impulses. I think I'll just try doing the guitars in a new session or bouncing a few things down first.
Mix all those tracks down and just track the guitars separate. get your guitar DONE, reamp or whatever, mix those down, and then import the finished guitars in your mix with 1000 other things in it.
Try a different cab loader, like LeCab or Kefir. They're free and I've never experienced any lag with either.