Quad tracking guitars


May 17, 2010

So I have been messing around with some quad tracking. I have panned them L100-L80 and R100-R80 but I get some strange interferings. Can anyone help me with this problem? Im pretty new to all this mixing and stuff, but I think it could be several things. Im playing the exact same riff on all 4 tracks, but I have of course not just copy pasted the tracks. So it could be the frequency range or because I use same amp sim and impulses? How can I make the guitars not interfering with each other?

- Imbow
What do you mean by the buildup? and the only way to fix this problem is by getting a better processor/audio interface for lower latency then?
i think he referes to frequency buildup at some points which creates a mess...

to get things staight, do you use the same recording on 4 tracks or record 4 different times the same parts?

is it wise to record the same part twice?
He said he recorded 4 seperate takes. And thats what you want to do. When quad tracking you play the same riff and record it 4 seperate times. Same as dual tracking only you're doing it twice instead of 4 times.

Also OP, make sure that your timing is practically dead on, on all 4 tracks, otherwise you'll hear some problems too.

And as far as latency, you could try and adjust your buffer setting, 512 or lower and you should be ok.
Ok, but how do I fix it then? Should I change the amp sim settings slightly or do some EQ on each track? I have recorded 4 different times the same part.
Nobody will know unless you post a clip and let the people around here judge it. Use drop box, you can set it up here. If you use that link, then both of us gets 250mb more space in the boxes. But dropbox is the norm around here for uploading songs and stuff.
So I have tried to take down the latency a notch and tried to play it tighter. Still the annoying interfering, maybe a little less, but it's definetely still there.. :s Guess thats not the problem then. Anyone got some suggestions how to fix this?
Think I have solved the problem. The phase problem was only happening between the L100 and L80 as between the R100 and R80. Apperently you have to make it very precisely. Didn't thought it had to be THAT tight, because normally I do dual tracking and it sounds huge even if you are playing sloppy.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear. But I was messing around with quad tracking (for the first time) to see and hear the difference between quad and dual tracking. And if you are refering to the phase problem? I think it kinda ruin the sound.. Don't know about you, but I dont like the phased/amplied and spacey sound that are generated, atleast in my attempt of quad tracking.. But are you saying it's supposed to sound like this?
Not only is timing critical to quad tracking, as mentioned already...but so is tuning. That cannot be neglected. The slightest change in tuning...just the tiniest amount, will result in a chorus/flange sound. Basically, yes...this is how quad tracking sounds...especially when using the exact same amp/settings.
Good call gry, totally forgot to mention the tuning. But yeah that doesn't sound too bad dude, If you're not diggin that tone try doing 2 different amps....1 amp on the right side and 1 on the left (still quad tracked guitars though, with the panning staying just how you have it, just run the left or right guitars through a seperate amp sim) I tend to like the 2 amp approach more.
Me too...I prefer using two different amps that compliment each other. But I prefer a more balanced sound. So when using two amps...amp A and amp B, instead of having amp A on the left and amp B on the right, I prefer amp A & amp B left, amp A & amp B right. It just makes for a more balanced and ultimately thicker sound (just my opinion though).
^ That also works and I have liked that setup in some situations, all depends on the material IMO, OP just mess around with it and mix and match and see what tones you like best.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear. But I was messing around with quad tracking (for the first time) to see and hear the difference between quad and dual tracking. And if you are refering to the phase problem? I think it kinda ruin the sound.. Don't know about you, but I dont like the phased/amplied and spacey sound that are generated, atleast in my attempt of quad tracking.. But are you saying it's supposed to sound like this?

Pretty much. You can minimize it by using two different amp models and EQs like mentioned above, so the two signals dont overlap as much, though. You could also try balancing the levels differently. Put the LR80 tracks lower.
Ok, thanks for all the help. And I did lower the inner tracks with about 3dB. :)