question about recording with Carvin legacy cabbinets


New Metal Member
Jul 15, 2005
I´m considering buying Carvin Legacy cabbinets for my Mesa rectifier, have anyone on this forum experience recording with Legacy cabbinets(Steve Vai signature)how are they compared to Marshall and Mesa boogie?I have only tried them at a local music store and they sounded great to my ears, but we all know that recording is a total different matter than playing loud in a store.
I really like mine which came with Greenbacks rather than the Vintage 30's that they come with now, and it has more of a hard rock edge rather than an extreme metal vibe, but it is a very nice cab.

You can check out any of the clips in my signature for an idea of what they sound like being pushed by a Peavey 6505, but these clips were done with the shitty mic pre I had before I got my RNP.