question about tdm plugin packages


Sep 21, 2006
if you buy a tdm plugin, do you generally get the RTAS included?

what about offline version?

i've heard there's voice count, which is for TDM and 0 latency, and then rtas with small latency but runs on your processor

i could see a use for both, but not a reason to buy both...
you'll always get an RTAS version when you buy a TDM pack, at least I've never seen it be different.

Use TDM when you want to monitor those plugs on a track while recording to it.
also RTAS on AUX and MASTER faders eat up 2 voices instead of one, because the audio makes an extra trip back to the CPU... but with HD3 I don't see you running out of voices anyway.
I love tdm.....
usually I'm using a combination of both....actually I'm still using MANY RTAS plugs, but normally I don't run out of CPU power anymore (used to do so on cubase) and I rarely have more than 60% CPU use...

for Aux/FX I'm using pretty much only TDM, that saves soooo much CPU power that hungry reverbs, delays etc would have eaten.
Just by putting TDM on your FX busses you'll save enough cpu power to do an entire mix with rtas...even on older machines.

I'm using a G5 2ghz dual and I don't plan on upgrading anytime soon.
I love tdm.....
usually I'm using a combination of both....actually I'm still using MANY RTAS plugs, but normally I don't run out of CPU power anymore (used to do so on cubase) and I rarely have more than 60% CPU use...

for Aux/FX I'm using pretty much only TDM, that saves soooo much CPU power that hungry reverbs, delays etc would have eaten.
Just by putting TDM on your FX busses you'll save enough cpu power to do an entire mix with rtas...even on older machines.

I'm using a G5 2ghz dual and I don't plan on upgrading anytime soon.

im hoping i wont have to use RTAS much at all

its an hd3 system.

im kind of excited, because i'll have CLA compressors running live, which is fuckin wild

and i'll be able to use awesome reverbs instead of shitty ones, in real time

one thing im real confused on is how the voicing works, no one really talks about it