question about the lyrics?

We have a book that's available through our website called The Wayfaring Chronicles, it features the lyrics for every one of our cds, and an explanation and backstory (when applicable) for every one of them. That's the best place to find out what you're asking, it'd take a long assed time for us to explain it all here! lol

But to give you a quick answer to part of your query.....the lyrics aren't what I'd call "anti-religion", it's more to do with personal struggles with faith and the choices we make, the things we endure in this lifetime, and what awaits us, if anything, in the afterlife. Paul writes all of the lyrics and he's had to endure some serious stuff in recent years, which again is just too much to explain and go into here (if you do some searching through old threads on the similar topics of our lyrical subject matter, you can probably piece together most of the backstory). All of Paul's lyrics, or at least a majority of them, tend to be about his personal experiences and things he's gone through...spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Our lyrics might occasionally pose questions and doubts about religion and spirituality, but we're certainly not, and never will be, some kind of "Christ-hating, Satan loving" death metal band, that's for sure.
I fell in love with the band since I herd Autumn Reflection and I picked up the new cd and the lyrics seemed way darker and had an almost anti-religion vibe, I was just wondering what was going on in the lyrics?

If you're not a fan of that style, the new CD we're getting ready to record may not be your thing. It's the darkest lyrical content yet, and heavy on the religious undertones.

All my lyrics go between the positive and the negative. It's not anti religion, nor is it pro, but if you take the time to really think about it all, they are heavily based in struggle.
I never thought of Paul's lyrics to be "anti" anything... more "pro-thinking" or "pro-soul searching" or something to that effect

"pro-thinking"...that's a very good way of putting it!

Yea Dirge, as Larry said, browse back through some older threads and you'll find some info about this scattered in here and there. Also, I HIGHLY recommend getting The Wayfaring Chronicles. As much as the music meant to me before I read the book, it took on an even deeper meaning after I read it. You won't be disappointed!

I agree that the lyrics on TPHD were darker than on TNR, but I think the book has a lot to do with that perception.
Thanks for that, I'm glad someone else will back me up so that people don't just think I'm trying to sell more copies of the book :lol: I really do think that people who like the songs and are interested in the lyrics should read the book, it really makes a huge difference in terms of understanding and getting a better feel for what they're about.