Autumn Reflection & other Lyrics?

I commend you,Paul for your honesty and courage in revealing things of a most personal nature. I am thankful that you went to your daughter that night. If you had committed this act, did you think of how it would effect your beloved wife and child? I too have been dealing with an illness for the last 20 yrs. I am confined to a wheel-chair and suffer dehabilitating pain. The last 5 yrs, I have been in an "Oxycontin" haze. I am also a full-blown addict. I think that religion is ruining our culture. Spirituality is the only way of understanding one's self. I completely understand your beliefs on faith, and felt that way for many yrs. And as you know, faith is believing in something that is not tangible. But, over the yrs, I have listened to my internal self. And now comfortably believe in My God. For, I tell you this, without my faith in God, I would have committed suicide at some point over the last 20 yrs. I don't mean to ramble on , but I felt a certain kinship with you, in terms of our situations. And I needed to express it in hope that maybe you would find some comfort. Once again, thank you for your heartfelt honesty. I don't know how you feel about this, but I assure I will pray for you and your family. Peace.
Novembers Paul said:
For me it's always been about being in touch with ones own self. Meditation, focus & balance. A state of mind lacking material body. Knowing that strength comes from within, and ones own mind, other then giving that power to a supreme being.
Ultimately, though, looking solely to yourself for strength will fail because as humans we're made imperfect, which is where relying on your strength to come from a higher power comes in. If nothing else, letting go of the notion of looking to yourself to take care of every aspect of your life saves your sanity because you come to accept that you're not in control, God is. It can make dealing with things easier if you don't have to look to yourself to solve it all. Essentially, the point of Christianity is that you can't do it on your own and need help, and I'm reminded every single day of how imperfect I am - thankfully, not by my wife. teehee.

i'm sure i sound like a nut, but w/e.
thanks to ironbeard and all for sharing, this is interesting stuff.
I know there is no tangible proof, suppose there isnt a god, when we die, thats it. Suppose there is a god, we die with faith in him, go to heaven. Die without faith in him, not good. sometimes i have queestioned my beliefs, but i always said to myself what is there to lose, sacrificing an hour or two every week to mkae it to heaven if there is a god. Jesus once said, "Blessed is he who doesnt see, yet still believes." As for how the world was made, I do not believe in Darwin, i believe he had some good ideas, but how could this world, with humans be so complex, the trees, the animals, humans, it didnt happen on its own. I heard some scientist say that the human body is imperfect because of a fault found in some peoples eyes. If the human body was perfect we would be incincible, and we arent for certain reasons.

like ironbeard said, " I don't know how you feel about this, but I assure I will pray for you and your family." i will too
I do not want this to become a debate. After all , this forum is to appreciate the music of Novembers Doom. But I must add, your relationship with God, and not having one with God, comes down to one's personal belief or faith. Going to church once a week does not constitute a relationship with God. I know many people who go to church and don't have the slighest idea of what is happening, and then they go out and abuse one another. I give thanks to God every day for all the blessings he bestows on me. I focus on what I have, not on what I don't have. God did not give this illness. I now believe I was exposed to certain chemicals in the Steel mills, and in turn it has affected my immune system. Jesus, came to earth to teach us how to deal with our pain, not to escape it. I stopped blaming God and others some yrs ago for my illness. As a result, I am more understanding of others and more willing to help than before. Every day I now see and feel God's presence in my life. However, we have been given the gift of free will, and we alone must choose our own path. Looking forward to Novembers Doom next masterpiece. Peace.
What I read there almost moved me to tears. I actually felt my eyelids kind of twitching.

Thanks for your honesty behind that, Ive always loved those lyrics.
As a younger listener of November's Doom I know that I will not know for some time what it feels like to have a child of my own to smile upon me, and feel what it can do, but I can say that I now have a deeper, respect for everything I hear coming out of my speakers when I am playing ND.

I also hope, when the time comes for me to have to deal with the issues I will face in life, that I will be able to have the same courage as it seems you have.