Question about the Tickets for the Showcase from Ticket Master

Apr 3, 2004
Nashville, TN
Hello all,

i just wanted to ask a question to the board about ticket master. I just ordered my tickets for the showcase and had them sent to me via e-mail. I just received them over the e-mail and i have the barcodes on the tickets. Here is my concern. I bought two tickets in my name and the two tickets have exactly the same numbers on them. Is this correct? I would think that each ticket would have a different number. Is this not the case with ticket master? Please let me know if this is how they do it.

Thank you all for your help.

they each should have their own number. otherwise the security people are going to think you printed up the same ticket twice and someone is not getting into the show.
When you get tickets through email. Each ticket is sent through a seperate attachment. Maybe you printed the same one twice by mistake. Just go back and print them again and see what happens. If it is still a problem call ticketmaster.