Question about transferring photos onto a website


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Mar 29, 2003
I just purchased a digital camera right before Progpower so I could get some really good pics. I did and was able to upload them to my PC fine. But whenever I try to copy/paste them into frontpage so people can see them they take up the whole screen. How do you put them up in a smaller size. I am new at this so any help is appreciated. Thanks.

There is a number of apps that will let you resize and clean the pictures up. I use Photoshop and a Adobe Photo Deluxe myself. I also use EZ Thumbnail Creator to help out with the HTML. Look around and see what works for you Sean, also you can find certain websites that will put host the pics like Imageshack. Good luck

Something I found that does the job with few hassles is Picasa -- a free download, just search on Google for it (they just bought it, so it'll pop up :)) Makes it easy to edit pics, crop them, remove red-eye, add fill light to dark shots, etc. There's an option to generate web-pages from pics you select and it has options for automatically resizing the pics to something decent for website use (640, 800, and other sizes). You have a few options for the webpage layout (two-page, one-page), but not too many. Simple but effective.

The pics I took at ProgPower with my new camera were originally huge -- several megabytes each -- but Picasa sized them down nicely for a web-page.
Open in your image editing software (chances are good that your camera came with some basic application to do this). Save it under a different name. Look through the menu for "resize" or "resample". Select the size you want. Doing so by pixels is usually better than by inches. I would not make them any larger that 1024x768. 800x600 is a good compromise size. Make sure resolution is set to 72dpi. Anything higher than that is not needed for posting on the web. Resave (you arleady renamed it, so your original file is still intact). If you're saving it as a .jpg, and your image editing software gives you the option, set compression to 10% (optimized). That should give you a pretty good looking image of reasonable size.

If that isn't clear, drop me a PM and I can try to help you out more.