Question about Tube pre, impedance and VU-Meter


knows what you think.
Sep 30, 2002
I'm recording the DI tracks with my guitar (active pups) through an ART Tube Pre which has got an 1/4" instrument input, having like 840k ohms, so enough that I ditched the DI-box and used the input jack on the pre. So far so good.

The signal is strong in my DAW, the waveform is clipping like hell and it's destorting a tad on "heavy playing". But I have to ride the signal so much so I can get a decent usable input tone in any amp sim.

My questions now are:

1. The tube indicator on the pre is not clipping (not in the red area) however the VU-Meter indicator is on full throttle almost the whole time (when I have the "-10db"-button pressed), meaning the needle is sticking as far in the red as it can get.
Is that a "bad" thing for the pre, meaning does it the fuck the pre up when I record this way very often?

2. Is it a bad thing that the DI waveform is clipping so much? I can't hear any difference except for it being louder and strong enough for further processing.

3. When I switch "-10db"-button off I get the same signal strengh, have to turn the output knob a tad down but the VU-meter isn't clipping anymore so why is it advisable to use the "-10db"-function then? I don't get it, the manual doesn't say anything about it either. Is there less noise when this button is enabled?

I know I'm a noob but I just wanted to make sure :rolleyes:
What exact model of Art?
On my Art Tube MP Studio I turn input knob until led shows clipping and then slightly turn it back.
Finally I set output according to VU meter that it does not exceeding 0db level.
Because on that pre if signal is more than 0db then overdrive (not clipping) happens.
Output knob is in range -infinity - +10db so I can get any level that I want.
If I follow such guides I got DI-signal without clipping.
Remember that 0db at VU meter (at least on Art) is -6db DFS (i.e. in DAW).

ps. there is no button "-10db" on my pre - only "+20db" wich I use with mic.
It sounds like your referring to the MPA Gold or Digital MPA.

I believe you can damage vu meters by constantly pinning the needle against the other side of the vu. And no it will not damage the sound of the pre, think of it like driving any pre into distortion. When I'm really pushing this unit I just select "output" rather than "tube" on the front panel to prevent the needle from slamming into the other side of the vu constantly.