Question about tuners


Oct 18, 2007
So, I have an PC based recording set up.. Revalver, GR3, Amplitube, Wagner,ect… I have been using the tuner with GR3 to tune my guitar. For some reason it just did not seem right. I am tuned down a whole step to D. Anyway I buy a Boss TU-2 tuner and tune up to that. I then jump over to my PC and all of the guitar tuners that are built into the GR3, Amplitube and Revalver are about 20cents flat??? I think that the Boss is a good tuner? Are the amp sims doing something? I mean I am going guitar into Fast Track Pro USB then into amp sim??

Am I crazy? Did I have to much turkey? :):)

hey, im new here, and this will be my first post.

I cannot really help in this topic much, but I'll agree with midget donkeys with the Korg rack tuner. I have the Toneworks and it never fails.
i've noticed that when i tune with my korg, stuff usually shows up flat in the DAW tuner...i don't know which is off, and don't much care - i just make sure that the same one is used throughout a project so that it stays consistent
Jevil, you are right - I don`t trust to Behringer V-Amp2 tuner.

I have to agree! I have a few friends who bought cheapie Behringer pedals. One guy has a noise supressor pedal, and it totally sucks! Either he is running it incorrectly, or its totally a pile of shit, since it makes his clean tone dirty with the gate on, and it barely even seems to work with his lead channel on.
No, no - it is OK for amp simulation, but tuner leads to wrong tuning. Also power supply is crap because of connector used.
I`m use it now only for practice at night :)