question for canadians

Yeah the brought bikes on the back of their dingys over to Omaha and shit... figgen canadians.
Well actually, Britain declared war, and Canada had no choice but to follow suit. Although we governed ourselves, Britain still controlled our foreign policy. So basically we had to fight who they told us to. We didn't exactly stand alone, Britain, France, and many others declared war first.
We canadians don't like to go to war with everyone. We are peaceful in most respects. Americans on the other hand love to go to war. Even if it is a war on terrorism, which pretty much means no country state. The American Gov likes to get their hands into everything, that is why so many people hate USA. If they just let them be, then they wouldn't be hated.
Tut Ankh Amon said:
just curious but...

why the fuck is that important?! :lol:

i mean, just to make fun of canadians or it has a "scientific" reason?

yeah im not starting shit its just something ive always wondered, i mean you never hear about canada getting into a fight with anyone. Pretty sad that i live in usa but i dont know shit about canada. i definitely like canada, after all you can get over the counter codiene o_O :)