Question for Chris


Gone are your dandelions
Jun 4, 2007
Edinburgh, Scotland

Something I have realised recently is that the tension that develops in my hands and wrists when I practise for long periods of time prevents me from playing as best I can. This is OK if I am practising at home as I can just take breaks, but is much more difficult to deal with when playing live, as I'm sure you can appreciate! I was wondering if you have any tips to avoid/reduce the problem.


PS: you are awesome
What kind of tension we talking about here?

I do enforce the P.S. as well.
Hey incarnated-solvent-abuse,

this is a big question. I can only offer some tips on the subject: one everything mentioned in the JP vid is a good start, two try to play things with as little effort as possible ( sometimes I will do this even when it sounds like total crap, but it teaches me the exact amount of effort needed), and Three try to maintain joint alignment when ever possible ( if the forearm is in alignment with the back of the hand, the fingers will have more agility).

hope this helps, and good luck, Chris.