question for everyone

My simple reason for not seeing it is this - the media hype has put me right off it.

I have had it rammed down my throat (no pun) by the media how important this film is. Like I give a toss. I have plenty of gay friends too so thats not the issue.

The point is I have no desire to see this film coz personally it doesn't interest me.
whitey131 said:
A lady at work said that I was a homophobe for not wanting to see it.

I asked if she saw soulplane, when she said no I called her a racisit.

I'd have called her fortuanate. I've seen funnier funerals than that shite.
aliasp said:
The point is I have no desire to see this film coz personally it doesn't interest me.
It looks like the type of movie that will not interest most moviegoers. I personaly wouldn't mind seeing it, but thats just me. I hate when dickheads keep telling me to see a movie I know I will never enjoy.
AlexStomp said:
Where in that quote did John say he was an expert on open minds????!! I though Johnthrax's comment was spot on and my respect for him has grown.

He implied it when he said "Im sure if you opened your mind, you might actually find its a good movie." Thus implying, if you have no interest in the movie, you probably do not have an open mind. Why? Because John said so.
I once saw a cowboy movie that make me laugh myself stupid, can't remember exactly what it was called, maybe "They call me Trinity" or something like that?
Willz said:
I once saw a cowboy movie that make me laugh myself stupid, can't remember exactly what it was called, maybe "They call me Trinity" or something like that?

Yes that would be it, and same with Blazing Saddles. I will also admit I was afraid to check this post again for fear of having my subconcious handed to me on a pink and powder blue plate......but, instead I got more of the reaction I was looking for. Honesty.
Shit! Over 30 posts dedicated to one single film no one even saw yet... Why? Beacause it displays life of people who are homosexuals. And cowboys. So, what's the catch - the first or the second one?
There is nothing fucking wrong about love stories in movies, books, paintings, songs,.. of course if the stories are nicely written, shut, painted, told, and sung.
Somebody said here that the media ruins any desire to try a new movie, book etc. I completely agree with that. That's why I never saw "American Beauty", or "Titanic", or "Shakespeare In Love"...
you know I have not seen the new Samuel L. Jackson movie either. Does that make me a racist? I have not seen Harrison Ford's new movie yet either. I guess I hate white people too!!

The truth is, I can not justify spending $10 on a fucking movie that will be out on DVD in 3 months anyway. That's too much money. Where I come from $10 is almost 4 beers, it's half a lap dance, it's 3 games of bowling...... you see what I am getting at here, I'm sure.
Thrillho said:
you know I have not seen the new Samuel L. Jackson movie either. Does that make me a racist? I have not seen Harrison Ford's new movie yet either. I guess I hate white people too!!

The truth is, I can not justify spending $10 on a fucking movie that will be out on DVD in 3 months anyway. That's too much money. Where I come from $10 is almost 4 beers, it's half a lap dance, it's 3 games of bowling...... you see what I am getting at here, I'm sure.

cheers to that bro. I still think the whole "dick flick" quip was funny. Oops, there I go again.....:OMG:
Thrillho said:
you know I have not seen the new Samuel L. Jackson movie either. Does that make me a racist?

No, it doesn't make you racist. It would imply that you're racist if you started a thread about a movie on an Anthrax message board. A movie that's all over the media. And then bitched and moaned about it because there are black people in it.
In America today, every 25 fucking seconds, someone is viciously raped, someone is brutaly violated. 250 times a day, someone is murdered, someones life is taken in America. This is America, THIS IS AMERICA, and I love America. I LOVE AMERICAAAAAA!!!!

Name that song/Band.

Oh yeah, freedom of speech is cool.
You know, I totally regret starting this thread now. What was intened to get a few laughs, has turned into some sort of subconsious "you-are-this-because-you-said-that" thread. I am this much, an opinionated asshole. Not quite to douche level yet, but I am working on it!! Whatever anyone wants to think of me, is fine.:yell: