Question for frequent flyers.


Oblique and Nebulous
Nov 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
Is there a weight limit on my luggage? I am bringing two suitcases and two small carry on bags, which is going to equal a lot of weight, considering all the CDs I'm bringing, laptop, books, etc.
it totally depends on the airline. sometimes the carryon limit is 40 lb, there are also size regulations... find the website for the airline you're flying with, they should have the info you need
Most airlines will let you check 2 bags and carry on one. They usually only weigh the checked luggage. Depends on the airline, but for most the limit is 50lbs, and then they charge you if it's over. They charge at least $25 if it's over, some airlines charge up to $100 if it's over 50lbs.
Depends on which class you fly!
Some allow 7Kg for "cattle seating"
and double that for biz seatting.
They say 1 carry-on and laptop/purse type of bag.
If what you need can fit in a laptop style bag go for the two bags.
Also, take a larger fanny-pack which will let you pick up the over flow.
I've only had to check-in once and I bring lots-o-sh*t!
There's always the ship ahead method and have it meet you if you're staying domestic...
I've shipped dirty clothes just because I didn't want to carry extra stuff through the airports. F's with customs a little too :b
A Trace Of Blood said:
Dang, I wanted to take two bags carry on.
I could usually carry a laptop and another bag with me on... Sometimes even more, but it really depends on the airline...

Air France are really opend for everything for example. Once (in 2004) I was traveling with my father ... And we had 6 bags to carry on and I don't think we checked in anything... Then they served meals with those really sharp metal (forget plastic) knives and forks. and on our way back they surprisingly let me carry my souvenirs on which included a mini sword which was not very sharp but I could slauter anyone if I wanted...

But I also remember flights when I could take only a purse with passport and some money with me...
teredd said:
There's always the ship ahead method and have it meet you if you're staying domestic...
I've shipped dirty clothes just because I didn't want to carry extra stuff through the airports. F's with customs a little too :b

Then arriving home, and get a package in the mail- omg omg whats this?
bunch of dirty clothes, YAY!!!!
(...remembering Stuttgart airport, leaving, and in a terrible hurry: "you need to open, you have a lighter inside, look here, see *points at specific place on the screen*" "I don't have a lighter or anything similar but I'll open it" and so...
ok, underwear taken out, 50 ppl standing behind us: "uhuuuh, it a spray!!" damn, right, mofo. )

with whichever company, I could always have a bag of 15 kilos, hmm... ok, never left my continent, though.
Dead_Lioness said:
You never told us where you fly... domestic? If its more than 40-50LBS
you'll have to pay. If its international you can check two bags, approx. -70-75LBS per bag.

I'm flying to Germany. I am flying with Luft Hansa, and I took a look at their website. Two bags, 50 lbs. per bag. They also said one carry on but a lot of you are saying they allow laptop bags too...I could try carrying mine in my "messenger bag" that I want to bring, or else I'll have to stuff that in my luggage.
perniciosa said:
I could usually carry a laptop and another bag with me on... Sometimes even more, but it really depends on the airline...

Air France are really opend for everything for example. Once (in 2004) I was traveling with my father ... And we had 6 bags to carry on and I don't think we checked in anything... Then they served meals with those really sharp metal (forget plastic) knives and forks. and on our way back they surprisingly let me carry my souvenirs on which included a mini sword which was not very sharp but I could slauter anyone if I wanted...

But I also remember flights when I could take only a purse with passport and some money with me...

That's pretty crazy. I heard Air France sucks a lot in other ways though.
teredd said:
There's always the ship ahead method and have it meet you if you're staying domestic...
I've shipped dirty clothes just because I didn't want to carry extra stuff through the airports. F's with customs a little too :b

Yeah, I'm not going domestic, so that would cost a small fortune.
A Trace Of Blood said:
Is there a weight limit on my luggage? I am bringing two suitcases and two small carry on bags, which is going to equal a lot of weight, considering all the CDs I'm bringing, laptop, books, etc.

Someone else might have mentioned this, but be careful with the laptop. Most airlines aren't allowing you to bring them as a carry on item (because of the recent "terror threats"). So make sure if you have to put it in the suitcases, that it's packed all safely :)
A Trace Of Blood said:
That's pretty crazy. I heard Air France sucks a lot in other ways though.

Oh yeah! On our way back we did check in one lousy bag and it took us 3 fucking hours to claim it :( And it all happened after 12 hour long flight and we had one more flight... good it was like six hours later
Normal airlines have the sistem where you check in once and claim in final destination... not AirFrance though...