Question for Glenn


Aug 1, 2002
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Hey Glenn...

I was just wondering if you could tell what is the schedule for the "Official Autograph Sessions" of the bands. I CANNOT miss Angra's, so I'm begging you to post when it's gonna happen. Thank you VERY MUCH!!!!
Not meaning to but in here, but I honestly think you have nothing to worry about!

Last year at PP2.0 I ran into every band performing at some point or other without even trying.

The most memorable has to be taking a piss alongside Henrik, the guitarist for Evergrey!
I'm relatively new to the metal scene, so I'm pretty sure I won't be able to recognize the majority of guys in these bands. I mean, I could walk into the bathroom, and all of Angra could be in there talking about something, and I'd just ignore them as being more metal fans. So, it's important that I don't miss these bands' autograph sessions.
The official program has the complete schedule including performance and autograph sessions. Plus, the band interviews do contain pictures so you can use that as a guide as well.

I will agree that bands will be wandering around hotels and the venue all weekend. However, the formal session is geared towards having specific items ready to get signed instead of bumping into Kai in the elevator and asking him to sign your paycheck stub from last week with a crayon you happen to have with you at the time.

Glenn H