Question for Janne or Henkka

I don't understand why bands don't just release their albums through their websites and charge to view he website in it's entirety, like Rammstein do. That way the website acts as an incentive to pay for the music cos you get to find out about the band n stuff which ya can't do on Kazaa etc.
Of course we are bothered. It is wrong if people download these instead of buying. But on the other hand it's ok if people still buy the album.
That is how we get our salary. We can't do this
without getting some living out of it. Otherwise
we would have to have a job, which would affect really strongly on our work...Then again, really poor people should have
right to listen to music too, but how poor are if you
can access internet the way that it's good to download stuff.
The worst thing is still that illegal production of CD's
Poor Henkka. Real fans put their money where their mouth is and support the band. I sentence all freeloaders to death by a painful virus known as Lorena Bobbit. It turns their hard drive into a 3.5 inch floppy...

Alrighty, so that wasn't the most articulate thing I've ever said....
Good. I feel the same way as you. I can understand maybe downloading the album to preview it, to see if it is worth buying. I don't exactly how bands must feel, yet I do. I do because I'm a musician myself (guitar, 11 years), but I don't because I'm not really in a band at this point. It costs money for recording, promotion, etc. It's a waste of your (and any band's) time and money to have their music, their career (which all their/your time is devoted to 24/7) to have some fuckers stealing your music leaving you penniless. It's not the fact that what they are doing (pirating) is illegal, it's the fact that it's your hard earned money at stake. I mean, it's great making people happy with the music, but you have to make a fucking living while doing so, it's the way it goes. Nothing is for free.

NP: Control Denied - Expect the Unexpected
From what I know, it's both. Believe it or not, the band actually gets money from the record company. It's a fucking suprise, isn't it? I don't think I want to know the percent though........

Just think of how many CDs and such is sold when the band is on or off tour. Sure they might get paid for touring and what-not, but if a lot of records sell, they get a shitload of money. That's why the whole ripping off music thing pisses musicians off, because it IS hard earned money.

NP: Control Denied - Consumed
:headbang:Downloading music is cool i think, even if they dont buy the cds, i encourage buying the cds, but some times they are hard to find, depends where you live i guess. Now dont be gettin mad cause i support downloading music, i am a musician too (vocals, going on a year), and i know that if i was selling records i would want people to buy them instead of downloading them, but the fact of the matter is that the internet rules all, and theres no stoping it, people will contune to get free music, no matter what. Keep on rocking, and Children of Bodom owns! :headbang:

:Smokin:W33D 4 LIF3:Smokin:
so you're saying that the record company makes more than the band and it is still the main source of your income? How many records do you guys sell?! Tours and merch aren't a big money maker for COB?
SHUT UP!! to your comments SSJ4SephirothX :rofl:DDDDDDDDDDDD. Why the hell you want to know about fuckin' percentage and shit!?!?!???? GET A LIFE!!! (Dont get mad with me, man! Just a comment! :saint: )

I just love COB music. And yeah I think they are cool people (young people like everyone of us, bla bla bla) but... HELL why you want to know that? LOLOLOL.

And about the piracy thing..... I download MP3s. I use cracked programs and shit. As everyone of us. But hey guys. I got all your albums. Even TW BOX, shirts, etc.

For a metal fan... If you are not rich, you cant buy albums. Cuz... for example, I like 389472398472394879823478 bands.... and I want to have all their albums. But I cant pay for all those CDs.... So I just download them. And I buy the best of the bests (lol). I see this ok -for me-. I dont see well people making bussiness of it, selling copyes, etc... THAT FUCKIN' SUCKS! :zombie:
loWildChild said:
SHUT UP!! to your comments SSJ4SephirothX :rofl:DDDDDDDDDDDD. Why the hell you want to know about fuckin' percentage and shit!?!?!???? GET A LIFE!!!

Don't be a fucking asshole you bastard. I asked nicely and I said "If you don't mind me asking" which they didn't want to reveal that kind of information and I highly respect that. It was out of curiosity. I wanted to know simply because I am a musician, and if my band gets back together or when I form a new band, we already have a record deal. I just wanted to see if I should go forward with the band thing and make enough money to support myself, or if I should persue going back into college. It was a simple innocent question and I don't appreciate your rudeness towards me. It was very fucking uncalled for.

NP: Children of Bodom - Aces High (Iron Maiden Cover)
Usualy the income percentage per cd sold is about 8-12% of what you pay for it ... thats why i think in the future bands should sell their stuff via net directly to the customer

Now some calculations:

10.000 cds sold ... at 13€ it makes 130.000€ ... 10% of that makes 13.000€ divide it for about 5 members of the band ... 2.600€ ... well that's about what my father earns per month so you see ... bands get ripped of all the time ... and i have not counted studio cost .... management ... equipement ... etc ...

so next time you say some band has sold out think again ...