Question For Mike

Blackwater Demon

Using Cold Words
Mar 30, 2008
Under The Weaping Moon
Sorry to bother you Mike but I see you're online and had a question. I wanted to ask you this in Norfolk when I seen Opeth there last year but was so nrvous all I could say when I saw you was "Hell yeah man". I was wondering your opinion on Tool in terms of their place in progressive rock and your personal opinion on their music. The reason I ask is they were my favorite band before Opeth an I still enjoy them very much and can kinda hear a bit of them in Ghost Of Perdition. Call me crazy but does GOP have any Toolish inspiration behind it?
well yeah I was giving a short review of the show and had mentioned it. Quite an emberassing moment in my life. I was really honored to be in Mike's pressence and I totally fucked up what I was going to say.
I love Tool but I can only listen to them when I really feel like it. Just like the Mars Volta.
well yeah I was giving a short review of the show and had mentioned it. Quite an emberassing moment in my life. I was really honored to be in Mike's pressence and I totally fucked up what I was going to say.

I do that with certain girls :blush::cry: Actually only one really
To be fair I'd probably do the same if I met Mike, or any other famous person who I like or admire.
I love Tool but I can only listen to them when I really feel like it. Just like the Mars Volta.

it happens the same to me...I've been severely criticised because of that. Tool is not one of the "eternal" bands on my Ipod. this would be a great thread....thou
When I met Mike, my girlfriend had to force me into the party-tent where he was, and I chickened out by taking cover on a bench, where Axe sat. ("Oh, shiiii")

But it was fun, though, 'cause I got to talk to Axe, and we talked for like half an hour, discussing drums and such, and then he introduced me and my friend to Micke and Mendez, who introduced us to Åkesson. Was kinda heavenly : D
When I met Mike, my girlfriend had to force me into the party-tent where he was, and I chickened out by taking cover on a bench, where Axe sat. ("Oh, shiiii")

But it was fun, though, 'cause I got to talk to Axe, and we talked for like half an hour, discussing drums and such, and then he introduced me and my friend to Micke and Mendez, who introduced us to Åkesson. Was kinda heavenly : D

I never thought a Norwegian would speak English like someone from Kentucky! Ha! This makes me happy for some reason, and is in no way an insult.

I certainly agree with Mike about the Mars Volta, but I could listen to Tool almost any time.

Mikael, if you're still paying attention to this thread, are there any bands you're always in the mood to hear?