Question for Oysten G.Brun?

I have no spesific faves really, but I regard myself as inspired by the blend of James Hetfield, Mille(Kreator), Quorthon and David Gilmore........... I don't know if that make any sense. Generally speaking I have a quite anti-viritous approach to the art of playing guitar........................
Øystein G. Brun said:
I have no spesific faves really, but I regard myself as inspired by the blend of James Hetfield, Mille(Kreator), Quorthon and David Gilmore........... I don't know if that make any sense. Generally speaking I have a quite anti-viritous approach to the art of playing guitar........................ ............use way too many dots...................................... you indescisive bastard.................................................................
Here are some more dots for you to look at AMF.............................................................................................................................................................................................................