Question for Sara

This just popped into my head when I was playing Phantom just now. When the Maidens started, did you conciously choose to play Dave's parts or did it just seem to happen. When I first started learning Maiden songs, I just picked a riff to learn not thinking about who played it and as I learnt more it turned out that I was always learning Dave's parts. So now when I'm learning new ones, I choose to learn Dave's part since I know his for a few other songs.
hi jenna! cool question cuz yeah, there's alot of different guitar parts huh. especially in phantom! for leads, jojo and i would give a listen or watch a vid if available. for stuff that wasnt obvious, the difference in tone and note choice became more apparant after studying - which also helped out with harmonies. also, sometimes the positoning on the fretboard and where you had to be next would dictate who plays what part. and sometimes, for simplicity's sake we'd just say you take all the highs and i'll take i'll the lows! it seems dave's parts are majority low so that was framework we used. early with this band, and on the tribute cd, i play adrians part on 666, but have recently switched to daves part. sometimes i'll use my wah on it - i like the way dave mixes it up live so thats fun.
since you see em so much live you have a front row seat for who plays what parts huh! lucky!
Gahh guys do you ever have days.....or weeks, when your playing is crap you feel like giving up?

I'm a self taught guitarist, I am really really struggling at the minute, to both find the time and the motivation to play. The more I pay the worse I think I sound. I used to be in a band, but they all went to university, havent played in a band since.
hi jenna! cool question cuz yeah, there's alot of different guitar parts huh. especially in phantom! for leads, jojo and i would give a listen or watch a vid if available. for stuff that wasnt obvious, the difference in tone and note choice became more apparant after studying - which also helped out with harmonies. also, sometimes the positoning on the fretboard and where you had to be next would dictate who plays what part. and sometimes, for simplicity's sake we'd just say you take all the highs and i'll take i'll the lows! it seems dave's parts are majority low so that was framework we used. early with this band, and on the tribute cd, i play adrians part on 666, but have recently switched to daves part. sometimes i'll use my wah on it - i like the way dave mixes it up live so thats fun.
since you see em so much live you have a front row seat for who plays what parts huh! lucky!

Thanks for the very interesting answer about working out who plays what, but not quite what I was meaning. What I was meaning was did you conciously think "Right, I'm going to be Dave and Jojo can be Adrian." or you flip a coin or something to decide who was going to be who right back when the band started. Do you get what I mean now?

I thought Dave's were the majority high. Hmmm....oh well, that's nixed that idea!! I love watching them up close, especially when they're playing something and you think "Oh hell yes, that is how I play it too, I got it right!!" :lol:
Thanks for the very interesting answer about working out who plays what, but not quite what I was meaning. What I was meaning was did you conciously think "Right, I'm going to be Dave and Jojo can be Adrian." or you flip a coin or something to decide who was going to be who right back when the band started. Do you get what I mean now?

I thought Dave's were the majority high. Hmmm....oh well, that's nixed that idea!! I love watching them up close, especially when they're playing something and you think "Oh hell yes, that is how I play it too, I got it right!!" :lol:

ahhhhh! well then the answer would be simple! my blonde hair got me to stage right!
:headbang:'s a bit of MaidenS' trivia for ya on this subject! At our very first get together, Sara had learned both Dave and Adrian parts anyway. I agree she fits the Murray role the best tho, but she plays a mean Adrian! too! :headbang: :kickass:

Cool!!! Good on her!! I know them both for a couple of songs, I dunno why tho! What songs did you first play together?
I think it was Aces High, Wasted Years, Hallowed and maybe 2 Minutes to Midnight. It's hard to remember........Sara, do you remember differently? :loco: Trooper came in there pretty shortly afterwards.
Wasted Years has to be Maiden's easiest song to play. next to maybe the ides of march... thats always by warmup song... though I think out of all the Maiden songs I know, I play lead of maybe three or four of them.... I love the rhythms, and usually because Adrian's solo are easier for me to ape, if I am feeling confident I will go after his... Wasted Years is one, Still Life is another, Losfer Words and Flash of the Blade are the others....
Plus she looks like she could be Dave's little sister! Mini Murray indeed! :)

She certainly does!! :lol:

I've got another question for you Sara. I was just watching a video of Killers which Jim sent me and during your solo, your hair was flying all over your guitar (as usual! ;) ). My question is, have you ever got your hair tangled up in the strings? I remember reading an interview with Robert Trujillo and he said that's happened to him a couple of times. If so, what the hell did you do cos that would a. hurt and b. kinda get in the way of your playing!! :lol:
just to clarify - ehhehe - you mean by my picking hand? like woven in the strings? that's never happened. but if it's still for too long, sometimes it lays over the strings and frets em out. flying hair does get stuck in my headstock and that hurts pulling it out - probably cuz i wait for a pause in picking and yank it out.
hey, you know what really hurts AND gets in the way of my playing? not seeing the mic beyond my hair and moshing my head into it! i do that trick the most! ahhaha!
My question is, have you ever got your hair tangled up in the strings?

I haven't seen it yet but I thought the same thing.



Haven't seen the mic mosh thing before though. I promise not to laugh....much. :)
hey, you know what really hurts AND gets in the way of my playing? not seeing the mic beyond my hair and moshing my head into it! i do that trick the most! ahhaha!

And not just for you, we all hear the poor, wounded microphone gasping in agony too:p

But while we're on a thread of Maidens' history, I'm a little curious...
Who's idea was it to start the Iron Maidens, and how many of you knew each other before forming the band?
(My apologies if y'all have been asked this question zillions of times, but, dammit, enquiring minds do want to know.)
I play lead of maybe three or four of them.... I love the rhythms, and usually because Adrian's solo are easier for me to ape, if I am feeling confident I will go after his... Wasted Years is one, Still Life is another, Losfer Words and Flash of the Blade are the others....

hey those are all pretty technical - perhpas that is your forte'!