Question for the British: Queuing


¯\(°_o)/¯ How meet Devil?
Nov 13, 2005
So I remember watching "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and Arthur Dent busting into an office with his colleagues and seeing long lines abound. Without hesitation he states, "I can handle this, I'm British. I can queue all day."

So I ask, do you guys seriously stand in lines more often then the rest of the world? I imagine you guys have insane patience and courtesy then. Do tell:headbang:
we queue like motherfuckers
we can handle it because we're BRITISH
yes been there 2 times and their queue are awesome.
In Italy is the opposite, we do have queues, but we don't queue for everything like they do lol
for istance at a bus stop when the bus is arriving sometimes you have to fight to get on ahaha
When I was going to school (many years ago) it was priceless to see people jumping on the bus to take a seat, no matter if you waited for so long there's always a shithead jumping on the buss to take a fucking seat.
what the fuck is up with that word
q you you
hahah what
what the fuck is up with that word
q you you
hahah what


When the British stand in queues (as they have been doing at least since 1837, when this meaning of the word is first recorded in English), they may not realize they form a tail. The French word queue from which the English word is borrowed is a descendant of Latin cōda, meaning "tail." French queue appeared in 1748 in English, referring to a plait of hair hanging down the back of the neck. By 1802 wearing a queue was a regulation in the British army, but by the mid-19th century queues had disappeared along with cocked hats. Latin cōda is also the source of Italian coda, which was adopted into English as a musical term (like so many other English musical terms that come from Italian). A coda is thus literally the "tail end" of a movement or composition.
Holy shit this thread is incredible, I had no idea queuing was such an integral part of your culture :lol:
i was in lloyds tsb once in a k you you and there was a guy in a suit who couldnt stop flashing his iphone around and talking loudly
i wanted to hurt him