Question for those who've seen Candlemass recently


i love you?
I DO know what I'm talking about because I've seen Candlemass before. Not a fan, sorry.

Also, I hate Dying Fetus. Well, more specifically I hate John Gallagher and unfortunately that makes his band guilty by association. Music is good though.

edit: I guess I should also mention that I'm not really offended.
how the fuck would somebody saying they dont like Candlemass make you not want to go to candlemass all of a sudden? that is fucking retarded. if Kevin decided that he liked nsync, I bet you'd jump right on the bandwagon and buy all of their t-shirts.
how the fuck would somebody saying they dont like Candlemass make you not want to go to candlemass all of a sudden? that is fucking retarded. if Kevin decided that he liked nsync, I bet you'd jump right on the bandwagon and buy all of their t-shirts.

Damn Will, I wasn't serious. Even I'm not that easily influenced.
No I wasn't serious srsly. Most people prefer Messiah to Lowe but that doesn't change my mind that Messiah can go fuck himself because Lowe is superior in every way. Or that TGE doesn't suck. I r not sheep!