Question for Travis.

I fully would buy one! I am an artist myself and I love Travis Smiths work. so yeah, I would fully buy one no matter the price....well, that's a lie....if it was 3 ba-gillion dollars I'd probably just settle on going to the website. but I doubt it'd cost that much...yeah I'd buy one, and one for each of my friends.
I'd buy two. One for just to thumb and another for cut off the pictures and hanging on my wall.
I'd buy seven. No :p just kidding.
This thread made me wonder if these people actually WOULD buy it even if they say yes. It's a cool idea but I wonder how much faith you can put in people (lately I have NO faith in humans so this post probably sounds negative huh?) I mean how many people are downloading cds vs buying them and you don't even GET a cover/insert that way! Why the hell would they (most) buy a book of covers when you can find them online already. Well maybe fans of art have more respect than fans of music for their creators. Hopefully. But, it almost seems like we're talking about the same group of people here.

I personally would probably buy the book as I think it would be a cool conversation/coffee table type book for my condo. But it'd have to be a huge book with TONS of pictures (which would no-doubt make it quite expensive to make, or maybe you could put 4 smaller size on one page?) I dunno. It SOUNDS like a cool idea, give me something to look at in my spare time (which is plenty) and also to scare off some of my family and guests when they come over, haha.

Of course the few cool people coming over would find it fascinating like myself. :D

I don't know.. did I help here? :confused: ha hah. Go back to sleep......... :p
Redblueyes is right, however right now the only thing that we can have as a reference are these answers...

Anyway, I brought Ronin:The Art of Christopher Shy for 30 bucks and its only 64 pages longs, size, personally does not matter as long the content its good.

(of course i wouldnt mind if you put out a 666 pages mammoth encyclopedia of Travis Smith)
Originally posted by redblueyes
I'd buy seven. No :p just kidding.
This thread made me wonder if these people actually WOULD buy it even if they say yes. It's a cool idea but I wonder how much faith you can put in people (lately I have NO faith in humans so this post probably sounds negative huh?) I mean how many people are downloading cds vs buying them and you don't even GET a cover/insert that way! Why the hell would they (most) buy a book of covers when you can find them online already. Well maybe fans of art have more respect than fans of music for their creators. Hopefully. But, it almost seems like we're talking about the same group of people here.

I personally would probably buy the book as I think it would be a cool conversation/coffee table type book for my condo. But it'd have to be a huge book with TONS of pictures (which would no-doubt make it quite expensive to make, or maybe you could put 4 smaller size on one page?) I dunno. It SOUNDS like a cool idea, give me something to look at in my spare time (which is plenty) and also to scare off some of my family and guests when they come over, haha.

Of course the few cool people coming over would find it fascinating like myself. :D

I don't know.. did I help here? :confused: ha hah. Go back to sleep......... :p

I for one hate looking at pictures on the net. When I find something I like I'd rather have it in front of me, not turn on the computer, log onto the internet, search for what I want and find it only to look at a picture that is either 1/4 the size of my screen. Fuck that I want a book! Small pics are cool to give you an idea of what it looks like, but that is about the extent of it for me.

Edit: Same goes for cd's. I want the art, jewel case...I want it all! :D
fact is Travis has TONS of material he could fill that book up with and never even touch the stuff that he has on his website (maybe). i know of a bunch of things he has done that isnt on the site. so yeah (again) i think people would buy it.

and i'd still buy it.
I'll buy it immediatly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Emergent rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!