Question for Travis.

Originally posted by Rex
fact is Travis has TONS of material he could fill that book up with and never even touch the stuff that he has on his website (maybe). i know of a bunch of things he has done that isnt on the site. so yeah (again) i think people would buy it.

and i'd still buy it.

Yeah I found some race/sports car paintings Travis did. Beautiful stuff.
Well, you know a lot of the bands you work with (like us, November's Doom) would buy them. Although I'm guessing some of them may think they deserve free copies. Those mooching bastards... lol
But yeah, I'm sure the guys in our band would get one- it'd be sort a keepsake from our work with you. Which btw has kicked major bootay.

Originally posted by Smekermann

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Seriously, though, it's pretty much the same thing for me: one of the reasons of buying CDs for me is to have the artwork and booklet and stuff in my hand. I can get MP3s of the music pretty easily, but I can only experience it fully if I have the actual CD in my hands.

So yeah, I actually WOULD buy a booklet of this sort of thing, if it came down to it.

I agree, I feel much the same, and I would buy the book too, cuz I love Smith's artwork. I'd also think it'd be cool to sell large poster prints of your art, or even poster flags if that would be possible, cuz i'd definately get quite a few of those.
i hate looking at screens...i hate the internet. get this book out!
what about a publishing house?
Id buy one too, But dont limit it to just art, Talk about your technique, Influences, And maybe even throw in a tutorial or two:D
Originally posted by blakmetalemp
I for one hate looking at pictures on the net. When I find something I like I'd rather have it in front of me, not turn on the computer, log onto the internet, search for what I want and find it only to look at a picture that is either 1/4 the size of my screen. Fuck that I want a book! Small pics are cool to give you an idea of what it looks like, but that is about the extent of it for me.

Edit: Same goes for cd's. I want the art, jewel case...I want it all! :D

I totally agree with you! I love to buy cd's and can't understand why the hell people wan't a bunch of generic looking cd's in their collection. Travis's artwork alone is worth the$$ to me!

AND..Travis, yes I would buy your would my brother! So there's 2 sales for ya!!
I'd definitely buy your book, travis. There are a few peices on your site which I'm considering hanging on my wall, if they are available as prints. Will email when I've made up my mind.