Question for Xena

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
I remember a while ago you mentioned to me that I have to hear Shameless' album.

I read a 20 Questions with the bassist the other day and now I'm really really interested in hearing it because even though its new it sounds like it will be totally '80s and not try to adapt to the modern rock sound at all. He was openly admitting being trapped in a timewarp hehe, which I think is cool. And the band is called Shameless because he has no shame about writing no-brainer sleaze party rock. Plus it said all the '80s glam stars who appear on the album, and WOW!

Not to mention that he is a HUGE Kiss fan and was saying how without Kiss there would've been no '80s arena/glam thing etc which I agree with hehe. He seems like a champ. And the album was called Splashed or something and the cover had a model with wet see through clothes. That's pretty rock & roll :D

So the question is, where will I find this, or where can I check it out? And is that the only album they have? And am I right that its fully '80s?
That would be awesome if you could!! :) I'm really interested in hearing them now!

By the way, I got Firehouse's debut today! It rocks! But I like "Hold Your Fire" better :)
Heheh sure is, I'm gonna have that song at my wedding it's already decided by me and whoever I marry must agree to it. That's on Hold Your Fire anyway :)